
Unique validation for Objection.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Unique validation for Objection.js

npm node Build Status Coverage Status

This plugin adds a unique validation for Objection.js models.

NOTE: Unique validation at update only works with $query methods.



npm i objection-unique --save


yarn add objection-unique


Mixin the plugin

// Import objection model.
const Model = require('objection').Model;

// Import the plugin.
const unique = require('objection-unique')({
  fields: ['email', 'username', ['phone_prefix','phone_number']],
  identifiers: ['id']

// Mixin the plugin.
class User extends unique(Model) {
  static get tableName() {
    return 'User';

Validate insert

 * Insert.

// Insert one user.
await User.query().insert({ email: 'foo', username: 'bar' });

try {
  // Try to insert another user with the same data.
  await User.query().insert({ email: 'foo', username: 'bar' });
} catch (e) {
    // Exception with the invalid unique fields
    // {
    //   email: [{
    //     keyword: 'unique',
    //     message: 'email already in use.'
    //   }],
    //   username: [{
    //     keyword: 'unique',
    //     message: 'username already in use.'
    //   }
    // }

Validate update/patch

 * Update/Patch.

// Insert one user.
await User.query().insert({ email: 'foo', username: 'bar' });

// Insert the user that we want to update.
const user = await User.query().insertAndFetch({ email: 'biz', username: 'buz' });

try {
  user.$query().update({ email: 'foo', username: 'buz' });
  // user.$query().patch({ email: 'foo' });
} catch (e) {
  // Exception with the invalid unique fields
  // {
  //   email: [{
  //     keyword: 'unique',
  //     message: 'email already in use.'
  //   }]
  // }


fields: The unique fields. Compound fields can be specified as an array

identifiers: The fields that identifies the model. (Default: ['id'])

These options can be provided when instantiating the plugin:

const unique = require('objection-unique')({
  fields: ['email', 'username', ['phone_prefix', 'phone_number']],
  identifiers: ['id']


Run the tests from the root directory:

npm test

Contributing & Development


Found a bug or want to suggest something? Take a look first on the current and closed issues. If it is something new, please submit an issue.


It will be awesome if you can help us evolve objection-unique. Want to help?

  1. Fork it.
  2. npm install.
  3. Hack away.
  4. Run the tests: npm test.
  5. Create a Pull Request.