Data preprocess

Crawl Safebooru


Crawl Image from id=0 to current max id and collect tag meta information which appears in the html code, such as class="tag-type-copyright" , tag-type-general or tag-type-character, write them in a ori_tags.csv whose table head includes: id,img_src,tags,types

Find most popular 512 attribute tags

  1. Scan over the whole original csv and encode each tag into a tag index, forming functions tag2index index2tag
  2. Count all tags using Counter, as our task only focus on background removal, just find the most popular 512 general(which I call it attribute) tags
  3. Filter out those images which don't include these 512 tags
  4. Reindex these tags to 0~511
  5. Construct a dict which maps image_id to attr_index. And we should be aware of those pictures which are not successful downloaded, they cound cause pytorch dataloader exception, so we need to clean them by using os.path.exists.Finally, we cache it to img_id2attr.pkl, so that the training set is produced


Read the mentioned img_id2attr.pkl,cast the index into one-hot encoding and start training.