
The Backend for the tech-radar

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is the backend for the tech-radar.


  • written in ES6
  • trying to use less external modules as possible
  • is a Rest API-Server
  • Authenticate via Json Web Token
  • create, update, delete a Radar
  • create, update, delete a Version or Dataset for a Radar
  • create, update, delete a Dot or Entry in a Dataset
  • is the Api Data Source for the Frontend


Node 12 is needed. Use n as node version manager from here.

git clone https://github.com/seekwhencer/tech-radar-server.git
cd tech-radar-server
npm install


npm run dev


Production with default port 8300
npm start

Start the server on port 8300, defined in package.json with:

"start": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production NODE_PORT=8300 node --experimental-modules --experimental-json-modules index.js",`
Production with environment variable
npm run prod

Start the server on the given port with the environment variable NODE_PORT

"prod": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production node --experimental-modules --experimental-json-modules index.js",`


Came from Github Neofonie/neo-tech-radar Github or Github Pages
And will be served from the api server. What port the Frontend must use, can be defined in public/index.html with:

const radarOptions = {
    serverMode: true,
    protocol: 'http',
    host: 'localhost',
    port: 8300,
    apiVersion: 'v1'

Only the public/index.html from this repo will be used as home.
The index.html from the frontend will be ignored.


Simply run for the production mode

cd /somewhere/on/my/disk/tech-radar-server
docker-compose up -d


Change the login credentials in the docker-compose.yml:

  - NODE_PORT=8300
  - NODE_USER=admin
  - NODE_PASS=change!moi

And change the public/index.html:

const radarOptions = {
    serverMode: true,
    protocol: 'http',
    host: 'localhost',
    port: 8300,
    apiVersion: 'v1'

Update Production

cd /somewhere/on/my/disk/tech-radar-server
docker-compose down
git fetch --all
git reset --hard origin/master
docker-compose up -d --build


  • Authenticate
    [ POST ] /v1/login
    username, password
      "message": "authenticated",
      "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJjaGVjayI6dHJ1ZSwidXNlciI6ImFkbWluIiwiaWF0IjoxNTcxMjI1MzI2LCJleHAiOjE1NzEyNDI2MDZ9.jOpNBe_UkzGTI3pDe7NE6nL2UNtlrm2kJ5UyvE1W4BU"
    Any GET and POST Request needs a header like:

  • The Radar Index
    [ GET ] /v1/radar

  • A Radar by ID
    [ GET ] /v1/radar/:radar

  • Create a Radar
    [ POST ] /v1/radar/create
    label, theme, seet_to, seed_from, quadrant0_label, quadrant1_label, quadrant2_label, quadrant3_label,
    ring0_label, ring1_label, ring2_label, ring3_label, dot_offset_x, dot_offset_y

  • Update a Radar
    [ POST ] /v1/radar/:radar/update
    label, theme, seet_to, seed_from, quadrant0_label, quadrant1_label, quadrant2_label, quadrant3_label,
    ring0_label, ring1_label, ring2_label, ring3_label, dot_offset_x, dot_offset_y

  • Delete a Radar
    [ POST ] /v1/radar/:radar/delete

  • All Datasets of a Radar
    [ GET ] /v1/radar/:radar/dataset

  • A Dataset by ID from a Radar
    [ GET ] /v1/radar/:radar/dataset/:dataset

  • Create a Dataset
    [ POST ] /v1/radar/:radar/dataset/create

  • Update a Dataset
    [ POST ] /v1/radar/:radar/dataset/update
    name, radar
  • Delete a Dataset
    [ POST ] /v1/radar/:radar/dataset/:dataset/delete

  • All Dots of a Dataset
    [ GET ] /v1/radar/:radar/dataset/:dataset/dot

  • A Dot by ID
    [ GET ] /v1/radar/:radar/dataset/:dataset/dot/:dot

  • Create a Dot
    [ POST ] /v1/radar/:radar/dataset/:dataset/dot/create
    label, radar, version, quadrant, ring, active, moved, boost

  • Update a Dot
    [ POST ] /v1/radar/:radar/dataset/:dataset/dot/:dot/update
    label, radar, version, quadrant, ring, active, moved, boost

  • Update a Dot
    [ POST ] /v1/radar/:radar/dataset/:dataset/dot/:dot/delete

  • Export all Data as Zip-File
    [ GET ] /v1/status/export