RESTful API Implementation
This project started out as a casual Dive project with the purpose of creating an app to be created and put out in the marketplace mainly as a learning experience. To that end, I've kep the original code and some of the iterations intact for study purposes. However, as what happens with Sparks (Girl Genius reference), the desire to keep improving and developing a project set in, and thus the API component of the project has grown into a bit more than the original purpose, and I've taken the opportunity to merge a couple of other api projects into this one.
This version of the API takes the basic concepts discussed in the Dive session, along with concepts discussed from other PHP classes I've taught and adds in a proper dose of RESTful implementation. I've combined it with another project born from those prior classes and MVC framework experience I named JustM, which was a simplified MVC system that focused only on the Model portion for data services.