
seele markdown documentation

Primary LanguageShell

Seele Wiki

last updated nov 1, 2019

Updating seele-md


Clone, edit, push. Try with gitbook locally: npm install gitbook-cli -g then gitbook serve. Navigate website to see synchronization happening automatically.


Formatting mistakes will halt synchronization. Common possibilities:

  • Incomplete *[]() in STRUCTURE.md

Gitbook checks .gitbook.yaml for

  • Root directory: ex ./
  • Introduction page: ex FIRSTPAGE.md
  • Side-bar structure: ex STRUCTURE.md

Since local gitbook doesn't read .gitbook.yaml as of v2.6.9, the names of the instruction page and side-bar structure has to be README.md and SUMMARY.md respectively. Also, to avoid compiling errors due to file lengths, the search plugin, lunr, is disabled in book.json.

SUMMARY.md must have the following format:

# Summary

## First Section Title

* [page1 title](page.md)
    * [subpage title](page.md)
* [page2 title](page.md)

## Second Section Title

* [page1 title](page.md)