VirtFuzz is a Linux Kernel Fuzzer that uses VirtIO to provide inputs into the kernels subsystem. It is built with LibAFL.
- 0xricksanchez@CodeIntelligenceTesting
- 5y5tem5
- Aaronjwork
- aweMinchoo
- bbrod
- Ben-LichtmanMicrosoft
- BlarseBaseALT
- br0kejThe Alan Turing Institute
- chin0incheon, Republic of Korea
- D4rkD0g
- domenukkGER
- eligrey@transcend-io
- ghost461
- houjingyi233
- ION28MetaCTF
- ioo0sLi Auto
- irwincong
- jc3wrld999South Korea
- koltiradwSecurityCode
- lkhehxx
- Lrs121DigitalSea
- maxammann@trailofbits @digitalfabrik @maplibre
- mediaexplorer74Moscow, Russia
- NWMonster
- Pai-Po
- punkeelMunich, Germany
- qianfei11IIE, UCAS
- rainysoul
- shparkSeoul, Korea
- smallsun107
- TheeespiiiaaanTrends and Technologies Inc.,
- TimeFunnyWuhan
- vdjagilev
- wh0cares1Sea of Nodes or Kernel Pool
- whitepoetIIE&UCAS