
I shared My tips and tricks in Tech

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Here I'll Share my Tech Ideas and Tricks which are Useful

Facebook and Instagram

Are you the One worried about Facebook and Instagram watching us. Ever felt like showing posts related to Recent search in Google, A Product You Searched in Amazon or Flipkart

Yeah I Felt Same. So You have 2 Choices,

  1. Switch to Safe Social Media which does not collect and sell your data (OR)
  2. Use above Social Media in a Useful way.


Facebook and Instagram's Algorithm is Written in a way that Your Activities and What type of Posts you Like, Save, comment, send to someone, Even if you watch same post for 2nd time, Everything is Noted Feeded into Algorithm.

Now it spits out All related posts from its Server and Shows it to you according to your Recent Mindeset and Mood.

Yes, If you Repeatdly watch a Love or Friendship post, with the help of Hashtag or Description it Automatically comes under certain category.

Your Feeds Priority is changed according to Your Mood and it Shows Posts Related to what it collected from your Recent or Long Term Activity to Make you Stay Using those Social Media Without Knowing Time.

Lets's Goto the part How can we Make it Useful.

Point of View - 1

Let's Consider John is Stepping into Field of Web Development. He needs to Learn Daily and want to get Daily Updates in his field.

Also He Likes to Scroll through Instagram and Facebook very much. But he knows he is wasting time still he likes scrolling.

Here's what he can Do,

  • Let's consider Instagram here, Create one New Fresh Account. (Can be with either dummy details or Original)

  • When you Logged in, all Activities or Monitored, Like which post you are searching for, What you like and Comment.

  • So Now start seeing Posts similar to Web Development. Yes, there are some accounts post Educational contents. (For Those who don't know)

  • Don't get Diverted. Search only Web dev Content. Like it, Share it, Save it, Make Comments and Follow whatever Web dev accounts you want.

  • So now in your Feeds, You only get Web dev content only.

  • Then in Instagram search, there will be some similar posts. Make sure to see that only.


  • After Sometime in Reels or Feeds or Search You'll get only Web dev Content only. If you come tomorrow also same only.

  • Daily you can Learn something Useful with Daily Updates at your Reels and Feeds Scrolling. Don't go for another Content

  • After sometime If something different Content comes in your Feeds or in Reels, Just give not Interested then you don't need to do anything. Instagram itself fetches what you want from all Over the World to show you Related content.

  • You're Literally Making Instagram's Algorithm to Fetch and Serve you the content you want from all the content creators ( You actually don't know or either you Searched for or the one's you're Following ) in the world without any struggles.

The Point is its Completely Free. You can Simply Improve your knowledge just by Scrolling and saving it for Later purpose.

Still not Getting...

Point of View - 2

Let's Consider in Present world Sherlock Homles want to be a Techie to Solve Tech Releated Cases.

Like I said in Point of View - 1, Sherlock creates a Instagram and Twitter Account.

  • He Followed all Tech and Ethical hacking Related Instagram and Twitter Account.
  • Started to Use those accounts only for seeing Tech posts.
  • Later those accounts itself Identifies your Interest and serves Related content Irrespective of Regions.
  • So without Searching or Struggling, Daily Everything comes to you directly from Content Creators.
  • Additionally in Twitter there are 100 days Challenges, many Developer support etc.,

This is Applicable to all areas like General knowledge, all IT Related Developments, Digital Marketing, Designing, Art etc., You can get all Related content by seeing only those content.