
The simplest way to read (and only read) cells from Google Sheets.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Super Simple Sheets

The simplest way to read (and only read) cells from Google Sheets.


You gotta include the package.

const sheets = require('super-simple-sheets');


Get info about a spreadsheet. The opts.spreadsheet is required. Returns a Promise.

let info = await sheets.info({
  spreadsheet: '1bd1gOD7bE6pfJjTIt4iBjoI3OxBfRUXQv4ZT4EoSrVY'

info.id;           // '1bd1gOD7bE6pfJjTIt4iBjoI3OxBfRUXQv4ZT4EoSrVY'
info.title;        // 'Test Spreadsheet'
info.author.name;  // 'Sheldon Dinkleberg'
info.author.email; // 'the.turners.suck@gmail.com'

// .updated is a proper Date object
info.updated.toISOString(); // 'Fri Mar 30 2001 00:00:00 GMT-0500 (EST)'

// .worksheets is an array of worksheet objects
let worksheet = info.worksheets[0];

worksheet.id    // 'ob6'
worksheet.title // 'Test Worksheet'
worksheet.rows  // 100
worksheet.cols  // 5

worksheet.updated.toISOString(); // 'Fri Mar 30 2001 00:00:00 GMT-0500 (EST)'


Read the cells of a spreadsheet. Both opts.spreadsheet and opts.worksheet are required. Returns a Promise for a sparse two dimensional array. The array is zero-indexed.

let cells = await sheets.cells({
  spreadsheet: '1bd1gOD7bE6pfJjTIt4iBjoI3OxBfRUXQv4ZT4EoSrVY',
  worksheet: 'ob6'

cells[0][1] // 'foo'
cells[1][3] // null
cells[2][4] // 'bar'

You can also get a subset of the cells.

sheets.cells({ ..., rows: 3, cols: 3 });

You can shift the top left corner of the subset. x and y are zero indexed.

sheets.cells({ ..., x: 4, y: 7, rows: 3, cols: 3 });

Alternatively you can use R1C1 notation or A1 notation.

sheets.cells({ ..., range: 'R1C1:R3C3' });
sheets.cells({ ..., range: 'A1:C3' });

Note that the array will be absolutely positioned. If you're grabbing a subset from the middle of the sheet, the values will be offset from the start of the array.

let cells = await sheets.cells({ ..., x: 4, y: 7, rows: 3, cols: 3 });

cells[0]    // undefined (row is outside range)
cells[4][7] // defined
cells[6][9] // defined
cells[6][1] // undefined (column is outside range)
cells[7]    // undefined (row is outside range)


Create a wrapper around the API with some default values.

let spreadsheet = sheets.using({
  spreadsheet: '1bd1gOD7bE6pfJjTIt4iBjoI3OxBfRUXQv4ZT4EoSrVY',
  key: './path/to/keyfile.json'

const info = await spreadsheet.info();

We have to go deeper.

let worksheet = spreadsheet.using({ worksheet: info.worksheets[0].id });

let cells = await worksheet.cells({ range: 'R1C1:R3C3' });


If your spreadsheet is private, you can authorize the module using a Google Service Account JSON keyfile. It looks something like

  "private_key_id": "some_key_id",
  "private_key": "SOME_REALLY_LONG_KEY_STRING",
  "client_email": "the.turners.suck@gmail.com",
  "client_id": "sheldon_dinkleberg",
  "type": "service_account"

You can provide the key as a filepath

let info = await sheets.info({
  key: './path/to/keyfile.json',
  spreadsheet: '...'

or as an object

let key = require('./path/to/keyfile.json');

let info = await sheets.info({
  key: key,
  spreadsheet: '...'

or through the environment. It doesn't need to be called out in that case.

GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=path/to/keyfile.json node example.js
let info = await sheets.info({
  spreadsheet: '1bd1gOD7bE6pfJjTIt4iBjoI3OxBfRUXQv4ZT4EoSrVY'