Set of Java concurrent programs used to evaluate CFLASH

Primary LanguageJava

CFLASH: Concurrency Faults Localized Automatically using Search Heuristics

Evaluation Data

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This benchmark was created as group of programs to evaluate CFLASH as a tool to automatically localize concurrency bugs in multithreaded programs.

The data was submitted by Ontario Tech Students as part of their laboratory assignments and projects for the CSCI 4060U: Massively Parallel Programming course. The programs have been anonymized, and formal consent for its use has been granted by the students.

Each project will include a makefile under their respective src/ and test/ directories, allowing those interested in the benchmark to run and test the programs with ease.


Program Name LOC
transaction-mech 492
banking 75
pizza-restaurant 156
airplane-ticketing 93
taxi-dispatcher 123
linear-search 121
file-search 142
account 98
parking 145

For mutation purposes using ConMAn, the bug types used were: MSP, RSK, SHCR, SKCR and SPCR.