
Eclipse Plugin to mark / visualize code affected by a code generator.

Mark code which was

  • generated
  • not modified manually
  • added manually
  • modified manually
  • removed

Add shortcuts in order

  • to jump directly to the generated counterpart
  • to compare the counterparts

Give actions in order

  • to disable the plugin
  • to ignore certain line of codes in the compare view (tree diff)
  • to set colour / way of visualization


The eclipse plug-in could be installed from the following eclipse update site:

Use the plugin

As you can see in the following screenshot your editor view will be enhanced by markers, annotations and actions: enhanced editor

Configure the plugin

You can configure the plugin with the following two screens:

  1. Eclipse Preferences: General > Editors > Text Editors > Annotations Here you can setup the four Annotations added by this plugin (added, deleted, generated, modified).

    annotation preferences

  2. Eclipse Preferences: Generator Visualizer In that screen to can configure the general behaviour of the plugin.

    general preferences


You need Maven 3.x.


  • Full description.
  • Add more screenshots.