
Contains the HeatKeeper reporter SDK and the docker image definition

Primary LanguageC#


Update Raspberry PI OS

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade

Install Docker

curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com -o get-docker.sh
sudo sh get-docker.sh

Add the Pi user to the docker group

´´´ sudo usermod -aG docker Pi


sudo reboot -f

verify docker

docker run hello-world


We need to map the RealTek USB dongle device to the container.


Look for your device

Bus 001 Device 005: RealTek something

This device needs to be mounted in the container using `--device`

docker run --device /dev/bus/usb/001/005 -v /home/pi/reporter/reporter.csx:/reporter.csx --restart always heatkeeper.reporter:latest /reporter.csx

We also need the `reporter.csx` file that is used to set up our reporter.

It typically looks like something like this

string apiKey = "Your reporter API key";

new Reporter() .WithHeatKeeperEndpoint("http://yourheatkeeperserver", apiKey) .WithPublishInterval(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 30)) .AddSensor(Sensors.Acurite606TX) .AddSensor(Sensors.AcuriteTower) .Start();

If the Raspberry won't boot for any reason, make sure to check out this link


I did this from ubuntu. Please unmount before running command

sudo fsck /dev/sdc1
sudo fsck /dev/sdc2
new ReporterHost()
	.WithHeatKeeperUrl("http://sdfsdfds", "dsfsdfkljsdfkjsdfskdj")
	.AddReporter(new RTL433Reporter().AddSensor)

Configure Shelly PlusHT

Environment variables

export SHELLY=
export MQTT_PASSWORD="overintermoduluasjonsforvregning"
export MQTT_PORT=1883
export MQTT_USER="heatkeeper"
mosquitto_sub -v -u heatkeeper -P [password] -h -p 1883 -t shelly/plus-ht/hjemme/bryggeri/events/rpc