
Transcription, forced alignment, and audio indexing with OpenAI's Whisper

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Stabilizing Timestamps for Whisper

This library modifies Whisper to produce more reliable timestamps and extends its functionality.



pip install -U stable-ts

To install the latest commit:

pip install -U git+https://github.com/jianfch/stable-ts.git



import stable_whisper
model = stable_whisper.load_model('base')
result = model.transcribe('audio.mp3')
stable-ts audio.mp3 -o audio.srt

Docstrings: load_model(), transcribe(), transcribe_minimal()


Use with faster-whisper:

model = stable_whisper.load_faster_whisper('base')
result = model.transcribe_stable('audio.mp3')
stable-ts audio.mp3 -o audio.srt -fw

Docstring: transcribe_stable(),


Stable-ts supports various text output formats.

result.to_srt_vtt('audio.srt') #SRT
result.to_srt_vtt('audio.vtt') #VTT
result.to_ass('audio.ass') #ASS
result.to_tsv('audio.tsv') #TSV

Docstrings: to_srt_vtt(), to_ass(), to_tsv() to_txt() save_as_json()

There are word-level and segment-level timestamps. All output formats support them. They also support will both levels simultaneously except TSV. By default, segment_level and word_level are both True for all the formats that support both simultaneously.

Examples in VTT.

Default: segment_level=True + word_level=True


--segment_level true + --word_level true

00:00:07.760 --> 00:00:09.900
But<00:00:07.860> when<00:00:08.040> you<00:00:08.280> arrived<00:00:08.580> at<00:00:08.800> that<00:00:09.000> distant<00:00:09.400> world,

segment_level=True + word_level=False

00:00:07.760 --> 00:00:09.900
But when you arrived at that distant world,

segment_level=False + word_level=True

00:00:07.760 --> 00:00:07.860

00:00:07.860 --> 00:00:08.040

00:00:08.040 --> 00:00:08.280

00:00:08.280 --> 00:00:08.580



The result can also be saved as a JSON file to preserve all the data for future reprocessing. This is useful for testing different sets of postprocessing arguments without the need to redo inference.

stable-ts audio.mp3 -o audio.json

Processing JSON file of the results into SRT.

result = stable_whisper.WhisperResult('audio.json')
stable-ts audio.json -o audio.srt


Audio can be aligned/synced with plain text on word-level.

text = 'Machines thinking, breeding. You were to bear us a new, promised land.'
result = model.align('audio.mp3', text, language='en')

When the text is correct but the timestamps need more work, align() is a faster alternative for testing various settings/models.

new_result = model.align('audio.mp3', result, language='en')
stable-ts audio.mp3 --align text.txt --language en

--align can also a JSON file of a result

Docstring: align()


Timestamps are adjusted after the model predicts them. When suppress_silence=True (default), transcribe()/transcribe_minimal()/align() adjust based on silence/non-speech. The timestamps can be further adjusted base on another result with adjust_by_result(), which acts as a logical AND operation for the timestamps of both results, further reducing duration of each word. Note: both results are required to have word timestamps and matching words.

# the adjustments are in-place for `result`

Docstring: adjust_by_result()


Timestamps can be further improved with refine(). This method iteratively mutes portions of the audio based on current timestamps then compute the probabilities of the tokens. Then by monitoring the fluctuation of the probabilities, it tries to find the most precise timestamps. "Most precise" in this case means the latest start and earliest end for the word such that it still meets the specified conditions.

model.refine('audio.mp3', result)
stable-ts audio.mp3 --refine -o audio.srt

Input can also be JSON file of a result.

stable-ts result.json --refine -o audio.srt --refine_option "audio=audio.mp3"

Docstring: refine()

Regrouping Words

Stable-ts has a preset for regrouping words into different segments with more natural boundaries. This preset is enabled by regroup=True (default). But there are other built-in regrouping methods that allow you to customize the regrouping algorithm. This preset is just a predefined combination of those methods.

# The following results are all functionally equivalent:
result0 = model.transcribe('audio.mp3', regroup=True) # regroup is True by default
result1 = model.transcribe('audio.mp3', regroup=False)
    .split_by_punctuation([('.', ' '), '。', '?', '?', (',', ' '), ','])
    .merge_by_gap(.3, max_words=3)
    .split_by_punctuation([('.', ' '), '。', '?', '?'])
result2 = model.transcribe('audio.mp3', regroup='cm_sp=.* /。/?/?/,* /,_sg=.5_mg=.3+3_sp=.* /。/?/?')

# To undo all regrouping operations:

Any regrouping algorithm can be expressed as a string. Please feel free share your strings here

Regrouping Methods


The editing methods in stable-ts can be chained with Regrouping Methods and used in regroup().

Remove specific instances words or segments:

# Remove first word of the first segment:
first_word = result[0][0]
# This following is also does the same:
del result[0][0]

# Remove the last segment:
last_segment = result[-1]
# This following is also does the same:
del result[-1]

Docstrings: remove_word(), remove_segment()

Removing repetitions:

# Example 1: "This is is is a test." -> "This is a test."
# The following removes the last two " is":

# Example 2: "This is is is a test this is a test." -> "This is a test."
# The following removes the second " is" and third " is", then remove the last "this is a test"
# The first parameter `max_words` is `4` because "this is a test" consists 4 words

Docstring: remove_repetition()

Removing specific word(s) by string content:

# Remove all " ok" from " ok ok this is a test."

# Remove all " ok" and " Um..." from " ok this is a test. Um..."
result.remove_words_by_str(['ok', 'um'])

Docstring: remove_words_by_str()

Filling in segment gaps:

# result0:             [" How are you?"] [" I'm good."]                     [" Good!"]
# result1: [" Hello!"] [" How are you?"]                [" How about you?"] [" Good!"]
# After filling in the gaps in `result0` with contents in `result1`:
# result0: [" Hello!"] [" How are you?"] [" I'm good."] [" How about you?"] [" Good!"]

Docstring: fill_in_gaps()

Locating Words

There are two ways to locate words. The first way is by approximating time at which the words are spoken then transcribing a few seconds around the approximated time. This also the faster way for locating words.

matches = model.locate('audio.mp3', 'are', language='en', count=0)
for match in matches:
# verbose=True does the same thing as this for-loop.

Docstring: locate()

stable-ts audio.mp3 --locate "are" --language en -to "count=0"

The second way allows you to locate words with regular expression, but it requires the audio to be fully transcribed first.

result = model.transcribe('audio.mp3')
# Find every sentence that contains "and"
matches = result.find(r'[^.]+and[^.]+\.')
# print the all matches if there are any
for match in matches:
  print(f'match: {match.text_match}\n'
        f'text: {match.text}\n'
        f'start: {match.start}\n'
        f'end: {match.end}\n')
# Find the word before and after "and" in the matches
matches = matches.find(r'\s\S+\sand\s\S+')
for match in matches:
  print(f'match: {match.text_match}\n'
        f'text: {match.text}\n'
        f'start: {match.start}\n'
        f'end: {match.end}\n')

Docstring: find()


  • do not disable word timestamps with word_timestamps=False for reliable segment timestamps
  • use vad=True for more accurate non-speech detection
  • use demucs=True to isolate vocals with Demucs; it is also effective at isolating vocals even if there is no music
  • use demucs=True and vad=True for music
  • --dq true or dq=True for stable_whisper.load_model to enable dynamic quantization for inference on CPU
  • use encode_video_comparison() to encode multiple transcripts into one video for synced comparison; see Encode Comparison
  • use visualize_suppression() to visualize the differences between non-VAD and VAD options; see Visualizing Suppression
  • if the non-speech/silence seems to be detected but the starting timestamps do not reflect that, then try min_word_dur=0
  • refinement is a great alternative to silence suppression (e.g. if VAD isn't effective)

Visualizing Suppression

You can visualize which parts of the audio will likely be suppressed (i.e. marked as silent). Requires: Pillow or opencv-python.

Without VAD

import stable_whisper
# regions on the waveform colored red are where it will likely be suppressed and marked as silent
# [q_levels]=20 and [k_size]=5 (default)
stable_whisper.visualize_suppression('audio.mp3', 'image.png', q_levels=20, k_size = 5) 


# [vad_threshold]=0.35 (default)
stable_whisper.visualize_suppression('audio.mp3', 'image.png', vad=True, vad_threshold=0.35)

vad Docstring: visualize_suppression()

Encode Comparison

You can encode videos similar to the ones in the doc for comparing transcriptions of the same audio.

    ['audio_sub1.srt', 'audio_sub2.srt'], 
    labels=['Example 1', 'Example 2']

Docstring: encode_video_comparison()

Multiple Files with CLI

Transcribe multiple audio files then process the results directly into SRT files.

stable-ts audio1.mp3 audio2.mp3 audio3.mp3 -o audio1.srt audio2.srt audio3.srt


You can use most of the features of Stable-ts improve the results of any ASR model/APIs. Just follow this notebook.

Quick 1.X → 2.X Guide

What's new in 2.0.0?

  • updated to use Whisper's more reliable word-level timestamps method.
  • the more reliable word timestamps allow regrouping all words into segments with more natural boundaries.
  • can now suppress silence with Silero VAD (requires PyTorch 1.12.0+)
  • non-VAD silence suppression is also more robust

Usage changes

  • results_to_sentence_srt(result, 'audio.srt')result.to_srt_vtt('audio.srt', word_level=False)
  • results_to_word_srt(result, 'audio.srt')result.to_srt_vtt('output.srt', segment_level=False)
  • results_to_sentence_word_ass(result, 'audio.srt')result.to_ass('output.ass')
  • there's no need to stabilize segments after inference because they're already stabilized during inference
  • transcribe() returns a WhisperResult object which can be converted to dict with .to_dict(). e.g result.to_dict()


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details


Includes slight modification of the original work: Whisper