Add City Blender Addon

Click below to see video example

Add City Video


Go to the Addons section of the Blender Preferences and choose install:

Add City Menu

Point to the file to install the Addon:

Add City Menu

Add City Menu

This Python script will create a new button in the 3D viewer Add menu called Add City.

Add City Menu

This will create a new City with default settings.

Add City Properties

You can edit the following properties of the city to generate a city that suits your needs.

  • CityBlocks - the number of city blocks to render, the more blocks the more load on your memory and cpu. Default is 3 city blocks.
  • MaxHeight - the maximum height the buildings will be generated. Default is 4 blocks high.
  • UseColors - whether to use colors or leave all items monotone. Default is to use Colors.
  • UseTrees - whether to include parks into the generated city. Default is to use Trees.

Add City Properties

View looking down from the Z perspective:

Add City Properties

View looking across from the Y perspective:

Add City Properties