
Making Eloquent models translatable, add one more level in JSON stored in database

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A trait to make Eloquent models translatable

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This package contains a trait HasTranslations to make Eloquent models translatable. Translations are stored as json. There is no extra table needed to hold them.

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Spatie\Translatable\HasTranslations;

class NewsItem extends Model
    use HasTranslations;
    // ...

After the trait is applied on the model you can do these things:

$newsItem = new NewsItem;
   ->setTranslation('name', 'en', 'Name in English')
   ->setTranslation('name', 'nl', 'Naam in het Nederlands')

$newsItem->name; // Returns 'Name in English' given that the current app locale is 'en'
$newsItem->getTranslation('name', 'nl'); // returns 'Naam in het Nederlands'


$newsItem->name; // Returns 'Naam in het Nederlands'

// If you want to query records based on locales, you can use the `whereLocale` and `whereLocales` methods.

NewsItem::whereLocale('name', 'en')->get(); // Returns all news items with a name in English

NewsItem::whereLocales('name', ['en', 'nl'])->get(); // Returns all news items with a name in English or Dutch

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If you've found a bug regarding security please mail security@spatie.be instead of using the issue tracker.


You're free to use this package, but if it makes it to your production environment we highly appreciate you sending us a postcard from your hometown, mentioning which of our package(s) you are using.

Our address is: Spatie, Kruikstraat 22, 2018 Antwerp, Belgium.

We publish all received postcards on our company website.


We got the idea to store translations as json in a column from Mohamed Said. Parts of the readme of his multilingual package were used in this readme.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.