
iPhone app to track location without sharing with anyone else.

Little iPhone app to track your phone's location. The key with this one is that your location isn't shared with anyone: not Google, not Place.me.

The key thing this app does is to use Apple's Core Location capabilities that notify apps when "significant changes" happen, like moving from one cell tower to another. These notifications happen when the app isn't "running" per se, and don't cause a drain on your battery. For more information see the Apple documentation on this, especially startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges.

The app will be free, and the source code publically available so you can reassure yourself that no funny business is going on here. You're letting this app track your physical location, and it doesn't get much more important than that.

For more information, send me mail. Thanks.

- Sef Kloninger (sef@kloninger.com)