Now using submodules for vim plugins, so remember to do a "submodule init" and "submodule update" before doing anything else.
Consider adding the hostname to the static list in
to differentiate
between hosts.
My pile of environment files.
Makefile will set up symlinks. Automatically sets up links for all files /
directories checked in here. Files here should not begin with a leading dot,
although the link to them well. Has some special creation and cleanup logic to
handle the file bash_secret
. That file isn't to be checked in, but should
otherwise be treated as a link target.
Restriction: since I do sloppy text munging to create the relative pathnames for links, the target for these links must be a subdirectory of the user's home.
just copied in here out of laziness. Using version
1.7.11-rc0 from
I should probably use a submodule or something.
.bash_secret should look like:
export RESUME_ADDRESS="street<br>city, state, zip<br>phone<br>"
TODO - Maybe all this gitconfig stuff shouldn't be universal? Hm. - Consider adding submodule stuff to the makefile. That somehow seems wrong though.