
My public resume

Primary LanguageHTML

My Resume in HTML and PDF formats


Steps to use this repo:

# store my address locally, don't want public in GitHub
cd ~/.bash_startup
cat >>EOF > local
export RESUME_ADDRESS="Street<br>City/zip<br>Phone<br>"

# imagemagick is used for thumbnails
brew install imagemagick
brew install tidy-html5
brew install --cask wkhtmltopdf


  1. Update
  2. make
  3. git commit; git push

Then you can use these links to serve directly from GitHub. https://rawgithub.com/sefk/sef-resume/master/sef-kloninger-resume.html and https://rawgithub.com/sefk/sef-resume/master/sef-kloninger-resume.pdf.

Simple as pie.