
Nacos integrate with Istio as a MCP server

Primary LanguageGo


Nacos integrate with Istio as a MCP server


  • Linux CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build nacos-istio.go

Configure this MCP server in Istio

  1. Edit the configMap of Istio:
 kubectl edit cm istio -n istio-system
  1. Add this MCP server to the configSource list:
-- address: x.x.x.x:18848
  1. Restart Pilot.

Run in mock mode

This mode generates specified count of services with random names to test the function as well as the performance of MCP protocol with Pilot.

./nacos-istio --mock=true --mockServiceCount=50 --mockAvgEndpointCount=70 --mockPushDelay=1 --mockServiceNamePrefix=mock1

  • mock: if use mock mode.
  • mockServiceCount: generated service count, the endpoint count is about 10 times of service count.
  • mockAvgEndpointCount: average endpoint count of each service, shouldn't be smaller than 10. (To test large endpoints number, 0.0.1% of the services will each have 20000 endpoints.)
  • mockPushDelay: the interval in milliseconds between each service entry push to Pilot.
  • mockServiceNamePrefix: service name prefix.

Run in real mode

Nacos MCP Server has been implemented as a builtin server of Nacos in Nacos 1.1.4, please see the code in https://github.com/alibaba/nacos/tree/develop/istio