
Take home challenge for Haraj Solutions Engineer candidates

Primary LanguageGo


Welcome to Haraj take home challenge!

In this challenge you will be assigned to help fictional startup called OwlDetect to create their first product.

OwlDetect is a startup that want to fight plagiarism in education sector. They want to create a web app that can be used by highschool teachers to check plagiarism in their students homework.

Plagiarism in highschool is mostly not complicated, usually they fall into one of following category:

  1. Students copy the exact phrases from other students homework
  2. Students copy then alter some words in the copied phrases
  3. Students copy only some phrases while also adding their own phrases

In this repo you will find prototype for OwlDetect web app. However currently it is not yet working as they expected because it could only check for the exact match text.

You could see the live version for this app here.

You could check how the web app should function by reading http_api.md.

Your Mission

Improve the overall app. Think about the problem from user perspective and prioritize your changes according to what you think is most useful.


We will evaluate your submission based on:

  1. The approach you are using to identify & solve the problems
  2. The quality of your text analysis result
  3. The design & testability of your code
  4. The method you are using to deploy your app


  1. Fork this repo.
  2. Make the necessary changes.
  3. Deploy your solution. This project includes Heroku Procfile and in its current state can be deployed easily on free tier. You could also host the app on your own server.
  4. Submit the link of your fork, deployment URL, CV, & cover letter to this page.
  5. In your cover letter, share with us what changes you have made and what further changes you would prioritize if you had more time.


There is no exact deadline date for this project. The only deadline is when the vacancy has been closed. We plan to open it until 2022-03-15.

So feel free to take your time!


Just fyi, this submission make up to 50% from your overall hiring score. While your CV only make up to 5%.

So do your best to create great submission! 😁


Got any questions? Feel free to open issues.