Adds lightweight support for the Hal+JSON media type to Nancy
For Nancy 2.0.0-alpha support there is a pre-release package available.
- Allows Nancy web services to return hal+json formatted responses
- Allows your web services to return plain old JSON/XML representations of your POCOs
- Does not require your models to inherit from any base classes or implement any interfaces
- Uses a fluent declarative syntax to configure the links used to decorate your hypermedia resources
- Works with whatever JSON Serializer you are using with Nancy
- Handle hal+xml responses
- Deserialize Hal representations back into POCOs (HAL is a serialization format, but says nothing about how to update documents)
- Install the Nancy.Hal package
Install-Package Nancy.Hal
- Create a
var config = new HalConfiguration();
//simple example - creates a "self" link templated with the user's id
.Links(model => new Link("self", "/users/{id}").CreateLink(model));
//complex example - creates paging links populated with query string search terms
.Embeds("users", x => x.Data)
(model, ctx) =>
LinkTemplates.Users.GetUsersPaged.CreateLink("self", ctx.Request.Query, new { blah = "123" }))
(model, ctx) =>
LinkTemplates.Users.GetUsersPaged.CreateLink("next", ctx.Request.Query, new { page = model.PageNumber + 1 }),
model => model.PageNumber < model.TotalPages)
(model, ctx) =>
LinkTemplates.Users.GetUsersPaged.CreateLink("prev", ctx.Request.Query, new { page = model.PageNumber - 1 }),
model => model.PageNumber > 0);
//per request configuration
public ExampleModule()
this.Get["/"] = _ =>
.Links("relation", "/link");
return 200;
- Register it in your application container.
container.Register(typeof(IProvideHalTypeConfiguration), config);
- That's it! Don't forget to set your
header toapplication/hal+json
This library could not exist without the work and ideas of others:
- It started as a port of Jake Ginnivan's WebApi.Hal
- ..which in turn is based on the work of Steve Michelotti's hal-media-type
- The fluent configuration idea was lifted from
- And ideas were borrowed from wis3guy