Take a look at the /src folder - You'll find a working counter app that uses Redux. Right now, the app simply renders a counter value and a "+1" button that increments the value. In this exercise, you'll be adding functionality to this application, getting practice working with applications that separate the "data layer" from the "render layer".
Add the features below one at a time. For each feature, you might find yourself editing the code in these ways:
- Updating reducer.js to include a new if-block for the new Action
- Updating index.html to include additional HTML elements (buttons, input tags, etc.)
- Updating index.js to include additional DOM event listeners that dispatch actions
- Updating render.js to change the way the counter value displays on the screen
- Add a decrement button that decreases the counter by 1 when clicked.
- Add a +5 button and a -5 button.
- Add a dropdown with the values "red", "green", and "blue". Make it change the color of the counter (You'll have to make your own "color" property in the state!)
- Add a text field that lets the user set the counter value to whatever number they enter
Try adding a "+1 counter" button that adds more counters to the screen. Each counter should have its own buttons that increment/decrement its value