
Kivy widget to duplicate popular android hidden panel functionality

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


The NavigationDrawer widget provides a hidden panel view designed to duplicate the popular Android layout. The user views one main widget but can slide from the left of the screen to view a second, previously hidden widget. The transition between open/closed is smoothly animated, with the parameters (anim time, panel width, touch detection) all user configurable. If the panel is released without being fully open or closed, it animates to an appropriate configuration.

NavigationDrawer supports many different animation properties, including moving one or both of the side/main panels, darkening either/both widgets, changing side panel opacity, and changing which widget is on top. The user can edit these individually to taste (this is enough rope to hang oneself, it's easy to make a useless or silly configuration!), or use one of a few preset animations.

The hidden panel might normally a set of navigation buttons (e.g. in a GridLayout), but the implementation lets the user use any widget(s).

The first widget added to the NavigationDrawer is automatically used as the side panel, and the second widget as the main panel. No further widgets can be added, further changes are left to the user via editing the panel widgets.

Usage summary

  • The first widget added to a NavigationDrawer is used as the hidden side panel.
  • The second widget added is used as the main panel.
  • Both widgets can be removed with remove_widget, or alternatively set/removed with set_main_panel and set_side_panel.
  • The hidden side panel can be revealed by dragging from the left of the NavigationDrawer. The touch detection width is the touch_accept_width property.
  • Every animation property is user-editable, or default animations can be chosen by setting anim_type.

See the example and docstrings for information on individual properties.


from kivy.app import App
from kivy.base import runTouchApp
from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout
from kivy.uix.label import Label
from kivy.uix.button import Button
from kivy.uix.image import Image
from kivy.uix.widget import Widget
from kivy.core.window import Window
from kivy.metrics import dp

from kivy.garden.navigationdrawer import NavigationDrawer

class ExampleApp(App):

    def build(self):
        navigationdrawer = NavigationDrawer()

        side_panel = BoxLayout(orientation='vertical')
        side_panel.add_widget(Label(text='Panel label'))
        side_panel.add_widget(Button(text='A button'))
        side_panel.add_widget(Button(text='Another button'))

        label_head = (
            '[b]Example label filling main panel[/b]\n\n[color=ff0000](p'
            'ull from left to right!)[/color]\n\nIn this example, the le'
            'ft panel is a simple boxlayout menu, and this main panel is'
            ' a BoxLayout with a label and example image.\n\nSeveral pre'
            'set layouts are available (see buttons below), but users ma'
            'y edit every parameter for much more customisation.')
        main_panel = BoxLayout(orientation='vertical')
        label_bl = BoxLayout(orientation='horizontal')
        label = Label(text=label_head, font_size='15sp',
                      markup=True, valign='top')
        label_bl.add_widget(Widget(size_hint_x=None, width=dp(10)))
        label_bl.add_widget(Widget(size_hint_x=None, width=dp(10)))
        main_panel.add_widget(Widget(size_hint_y=None, height=dp(10)))
        main_panel.add_widget(Widget(size_hint_y=None, height=dp(10)))
        main_panel.add_widget(Image(source='red_pixel.png', allow_stretch=True,
                                    keep_ratio=False, size_hint_y=0.2))

        def set_anim_type(name):
            navigationdrawer.anim_type = name
        modes_layout = BoxLayout(orientation='horizontal')
        slide_an = Button(text='slide_\nabove_\nanim')
        slide_an.bind(on_press=lambda j: set_anim_type('slide_above_anim'))
        slide_sim = Button(text='slide_\nabove_\nsimple')
        slide_sim.bind(on_press=lambda j: set_anim_type('slide_above_simple'))
        fade_in_button = Button(text='fade_in')
        fade_in_button.bind(on_press=lambda j: set_anim_type('fade_in'))
        reveal_button = Button(text='reveal_\nbelow_\nanim')
                           lambda j: set_anim_type('reveal_below_anim'))
        slide_button = Button(text='reveal_\nbelow_\nsimple')
                          lambda j: set_anim_type('reveal_below_simple'))

        button = Button(text='toggle NavigationDrawer state (animate)',
        button.bind(on_press=lambda j: navigationdrawer.toggle_state())
        button2 = Button(text='toggle NavigationDrawer state (jump)',
        button2.bind(on_press=lambda j: navigationdrawer.toggle_state(False))
        button3 = Button(text='toggle _main_above', size_hint_y=0.2)

        return navigationdrawer
