
A sample angular application that uses grunt-connect-prism

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A sample project to demonstrate the use of the grunt-connect-prism and connect-prism core plugin for gulp.

Getting started

This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.1 or Gulp ~3.8.2 to already be installed.

Once Grunt or gulp is installed you must also install all the project NPM and bower dependencies by using the following commands at the root of the project.

npm install
bower install


The connect-prism core library and grunt-connect-prism plugin allows you to record, mock, and proxy HTTP calls. This is a simple angular application with an express.js server backend that demonstrates their use.


There are 3 ways to launch the application.

Proxy mode

Launch the website, backend server, and setup prism to proxy to the backend by default.

grunt serve
gulp serve


grunt serve:proxy
gulp serve:proxy

Record mode

Launch the website. Create or overwrite mocks in the ./mocks/serve/ directory. I've committed the mocks with this project, but to see record in action delete them or inspect the last modified dates on the files in the mocks directory to see that they have indeed been changed!

grunt serve:record
gulp serve:record

Mock mode

Launch the website. Mock all requests with serialized responses from the ./mocks/serve/ directory

grunt serve:mock
gulp serve:mock

End to end (e2e) testing demonstration

NOTE: I've only implemented a solution for e2e testing with the Grunt toolchain. Feel free to submit a PR for a solution in gulp.

In order to demonstrate the end to end testing component of this project a few prequisites are required. You must install protractor and the selenium server.
For more details see the appendix in protractor's README on how to setup and install the standalone selenium server for use with protractor. Once installed run the server with the following.

webdriver-manager start

You can run the e2e test suite with the same 3 modes you ran the project in. Ultimately, the purpose of this demonstration is to show how you can easily record the calls your application makes and then run your e2e test suite as a "client side e2e" test suite and mock out the server. In many projects the server and all of its dependencies can incur a significant latency during test runs. Using grunt-connect-prism can dramatically decrease the time it takes to run your tests.

Mock mode

Run e2e test suite and read mocks from ./mocks/e2e/.

grunt e2e


grunt e2e:mock

Record mode

Run e2e test suite and record mocks to ./mocks/e2e/.

grunt e2e:record

Proxy mode

Run e2e test suite and proxy all HTTP requests to a real backend.

grunt e2e:proxy

Program different responses using connect-prism API

Sometimes you want to return different responses for the same HTTP call in your integration tests. This is useful when you want to test how your client behaves in different situations.

In this example we will test the GET /api/authors call under the following situations.

  • Valid response
  • Server error (500) response
  • Authentication error (401) response

These tests run as part of the grunt e2e target. See the prism-spec.js Jasmine testsuite for more details on the implementation.


  • 0.0.8 Add connect-prism API examples.
  • 0.0.7 Update to prism 0.7.3
  • 0.0.6 Update to grunt-connect-prism 0.4.1
  • 0.0.5 Update to grunt-connect-prism 0.4.0
  • 0.0.4 Update to grunt-connect-prism 0.3.0
  • 0.0.3 Support gulp implementation. Added core connect-prism lib.
  • 0.0.2 Update to grunt-connect-prism 0.2.2
  • 0.0.1 Initial release