
Segment's Adobe Analytics Integration for Analytics-Roku

Primary LanguageBrightscriptMIT LicenseMIT



Running the sample app

  • Include ADBMobileConfig.json in the samples's root directory. See Adobe's Docs for more details
  • Set up ROKU_DEV_TARGET and ROKU_DEV_PASSWORD to the IP address and the development password of your Roku device
  • Set the SEGMENT_WRITE_KEY environment variable to your Segment source write key
  • Run make install-app from within the samples/ folder, which will build the app, side load it onto your Roku device and start it


Download the Segment and Adobe SDKs:

Create SegmentAdobeAnalytics.zip with the required files:

make library

Import the SDK Libraries and the contents of SegmentAdobeAnalytics.zip:

|-- ADBMobileConfig.json
|-- components
|   |-- library
|   |   |-- Adobe Analytics SDK
|   |   |   |-- adbmobileTask.brs
|   |   |   |-- adbmobileTask.xml
|   |   |-- Segment SDK
|   |   |   |-- SegmentAnalyticsTask.brs
|   |   |   |-- SegmentAnalyticsTask.xml
|-- source
|   |-- library
|   |   |-- Adobe Analytics SDK
|   |   |   |-- adbmobile.brs
|   |   |-- Segment SDK
|   |   |   |-- SegmentAdobeIntegration.brs
|   |   |   |-- SegmentAnalytics.brs
|   |   |   |-- SegmentAnalyticsConnector.brs

Update file paths and make sure to include SegmentAdobeIntegrationFactory in the use() function:

<!-- samples/components/library/Adobe Analytics SDK/adbmobileTask.xml -->

<!-- Replace with correct location if needed -->
<script type="text/brightscript" uri="pkg:/components/library/Adobe Analytics SDK/adbmobileTask.brs"/>
<!-- Replace with correct location if needed -->
<script type="text/brightscript" uri="pkg:/source/library/Adobe Analytics SDK/adbmobile.brs"/>
<!-- samples/components/library/Segment SDK/SegmentAnalyticsTask.xml -->

<script type = "text/brightscript" >

    function use() as Object
      return {
        "Adobe Analytics": SegmentAdobeIntegrationFactory
    end function

<!-- include any device mode integrations scripts  -->
<script type="text/brightscript" uri="pkg:/source/library/Segment SDK/SegmentAdobeIntegration.brs" />
<script type="text/brightscript" uri="pkg:/source/library/Adobe Analytics SDK/adbmobile.brs"/>

Note: The Adobe integration will use tmp:/ADBMobileConfig.json if it exists. Otherwise, it will read pkg:/ADBMobileConfig.json and write it to tmp:/ADBMobileConfig.json.


Segment-Adobe-Analytics is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.