Monitor Ejabberd and any applications running on it. Based on https://github.com/nycholas/ which is based on https://www.ejabberd.im/mod_monitor_web 14.02+
The target is to include the status code on the response of the healthcheck on the response status code.
- 204 response for all checked and properly running.
- 503 response when any of the services defined on the module are failling.
Ejabberd Config
First make sure the module is added in ejabberd.yml on the server port
port: 5281
module: ejabberd_http
"/healthcheck": mod_health
web_admin: false
http_poll: false
http_bind: false
## register: true
captcha: true
This will create an endpoint for mod_health to listen to at localhost:5281/healthcheck
Adding additional applications to check
Define the application name as a constant at the top of the file:
-define(MYSQL, mysql).
then add subsecuently on function get_all_status
another check variable for the new status
added (like: EJABBERDStatus = lists:keymember(?EJABBERD, 1, application:which_applications()),
), add this new obtained variable status to the list of results.