Modular Grid System.
MUELLER is a modular grid system for responsive/adaptive and non-responsive layouts, based on Compass. You have full control over column width, gutter width, baseline grid and media-queries.
One default grid and (if needed) different per-media grids (e.g. large, tablet, handheld):
@include grids(d, 24, 20px, 20px, 0 2 3 4 6 8 12 16 24, 0 2 4 6 8 12);
Extend your media-grids to pre-defined layouts (e.g. a 2-column layout with switched columns):
.l-2c { @extend .g-d-24; @extend .g-l-24; @extend .g-tp-12; @extend .g-h-6; .c-1 { @extend .g-d-12; @extend .g-l-12; @extend .g-tp-6; @extend .g-h-3; } .c-2 { @extend .g-d-12; @extend .g-l-12; @extend .g-tp-6; @extend .g-h-3; } }
On top of grids and layouts, add fractional classes (e.g. all-half, all-thirds, all-1of3):
.g-all-half { .l-1c .c-1 & { @extend .g-d-12; @extend .g-l-12; @extend .g-tp-6; @extend .g-h-3; } }
The semantic way — add templates instead of using presentational classes in your markup:
.template-1 { #page { @extend .l-2c; } #content { @extend .c-1; } #sidebar { @extend .c-2; } }
see index.html and
MUELLER is NOT working out of the box. Read the Code, read this and try to understand what´s happening. Learn Sass/Compass.
Change the grid, change the baseline, activate/deactivate different media-queries, add layouts/fractions. Figure out what´s working best for you.
Think about your layout first — you can´t just add "responsiveness" to every given layout. Reflect on Mobile First, use HTML5.
You mainly get the file grid_system – this is where the system is defined. All other parts (media, layouts, fractions, templates) are just examples of how to work with MUELLER. MUELLER is licensed under BSD.
MUELLER is largely a copy of the ideas outlined by Chris Eppstein and heavily inspired by the work of Joni Korpi. The name MUELLER refers to Josef Müller-Brockmann. Besides, it´s part of my last name.