
Wallet provider and quick start with Sei using React

Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

WARNING: This package has been moved

Please visit the @sei-js monorepo for the latest changes.


A set of React hooks for @sei-js/core written in Typescript.


For an in depth tutorial please see our documentation.


yarn add @sei-js/react


Hook Params
useWallet (window: any, config: object)
useQueryClient (rpcAddress: string)
useSigningClient (rpcAddress: string, offlineSigner: any)


A hook to connect one of our supported wallets to your application.

Input Props

Hook Params
window The client side window object which has access to wallet providers injected code.
walletOptions UseWalletOptions
import { useWallet } from '@sei-js/react';

const { offlineSigner } = useWallet(window, { inputWallet: 'leap', autoconnect: true, chainConfiguration: 'testnet' });

Return Values

Property Type Description
connectedWallet string? The currently connected wallet
connect () => Promise Async function to connect to input wallet
disconnect () => void Function to disconnect from input wallet
supportedWallets string[] List of supported wallets
installedWallets string[] List of wallets installed
error string? Error message
chainId string Sei chain id
restUrl string The rest url associated with the connected wallet
rpcUrl string The rpc url associated with the connected wallet
offlineSigner object? The offline signer associated with the connected wallet
accounts object[]? The accounts associated with the connected wallet


import { useQueryClient } from '@sei-js/react';

const { queryClient, isLoading } = useQueryCleint('rest_url');
Property Type Description
queryClient StargateSigningClient? A stargate signing client.
isLoading boolean Boolean value for when the initial loading is happening


import { useWallet, useSigningClient } from '@sei-js/react';

const { offlineSigner } = useWallet(window, { inputWallet: 'keplr', autoconnect: true, chainConfiguration: 'testnet' });
const { signingClient, isLoading } = useSigningClient('rpc_address', offlineSigner);
Property Type Description
signingClient StargateSigningClient? A stargate signing client.
isLoading boolean Boolean value for when the initial loading is happening