
Identity provider.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Identity provider.



To support the generalization of our development process, we use Node.JS version higher than v18 with the following minimum versions:

  • v18.18.0
  • v20.8.0
  • v21.0.0

The main purpose of this is to keep the custom loader revision for each contributor.

We always recommend you to use the latest Node.JS of the current LTS release unless there's a special exception for better development experience. We can delay updating the version to wait all major issues come with general solutions.


We have a wide-range of solutions for Node.JS TypeScript integration. Currently, we're following the setup on ava which'll be our testing framework.

We don't mind using tsx instead of tsimp for both production and testing enviornment.

They're all using Node.JS's --import argument to inject custom loader:

node --import [custom_loader]


We use pg-test command to setup database. This command depends on Docker, therefore you need a Docker daemon.

Depending on the operating system, the procedure to set up a testing database may vary.

  • For macOS based systems, I'd recommend you to use lima based turn-key services like limactl and colima.
  • For Windows based systems, set up Docker on WSL and create a batch file called docker.cmd on the registered path directory with the following content:
@echo off
wsl -d [container_name] docker -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock %*

Also, saving the following content in %USERPROFILE%\Documents\WindowsPowerShell for PowerShell can be an alternative:

function docker {
	wsl -d [container_name] docker -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock @Args
  • For both systems, use the following approach to avoid using pg-test package:
docker run --name pg-test -e POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD=trust -e POSTGRES_USER=test-user -e POSTGRES_DB=test-db -d postgres:10.6-alpine

with the following env:



You'll additionally need the following component supports on your editor/IDE:

  • ESLint
  • Editorconfig

All are available on VSCodium and VSCode compatible extension store.