
This is a Docker-Image for Atlassian Confluence based on Alpine Linux, which is kept as small as possible.


  • Small image size
  • Setting proxy parameters in server.xml to run it behind a reverse proxy (TOMCAT_PROXY_* ENV)
  • Redirecting application logs to stdout (CONFLUENCE_LOGS_STDOUT ENV)

Getting started

Run confluence standalone and navigate to http://[dockerhost]:8090 to finish configuration:

docker run --detach --publish 8090:8090 seibertmedia/atlassian-confluence:latest

Specify persistent volume for Confluence data directory and redirect application logs to stdout:

docker run -d -p 8090:8090 -v confluence_data:/var/opt/confluence -e CONFLUENCE_LOGS_STDOUT=1 seibertmedia/atlassian-confluence:latest

Run confluence behind a reverse SSL proxy like nginx and navigate to

docker run -d -e -e TOMCAT_PROXY_PORT=443 -e TOMCAT_PROXY_SCHEME=https seibertmedia/atlassian-confluence:latest