
iOS control to take or choose a profile picture

Primary LanguageObjective-C

PhotoButton is a control based on UIButton.
When PhotoButton is touched inside it displays a UIActionSheet that allows us to either choose a photo from the camera roll or to take a picture.
Once a picture is selected/taken the picture is resized and saved to the Documents folder.
The picture is then displayed as the button background until deleted.

The PhotoButton can be added as a regular UIButton in a xib file with Class in Identity Inspector set as PhotoButton.


    1) self.photoButton.viewController = self;
    2) self.photoButton.photoSize = CGSizeMake(256, 256);
    3) self.photoButton.photoName = @"ProfileUserPhoto.jpg";
    4) [self.photoButton addTarget:self action:@selector(photoSaved:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventValueChanged];

    1) viewController is a view where UIActionSheet will be displayed
    2) photoSize is the size to which the photo is resized
    3) photoName is the name under which the photo is saved in the Documents folder
    4) photoSaved is called once the photo is saved