
Refactored sample code from my university's (SPbPU) course "Computer Architecture" for the first laboratory assignment: BMP Converter.

Primary LanguageC++

BMP 24-bit Monochromizer

This program converts a 24-bit BMP image to an 8-bit BMP image and makes it monochrome.


  1. Compile the program (clang++ bmp_24bit_monochromizer.cpp).
  2. Ensure you have an input 24-bit BMP image in the assets directory named input.bmp.
  3. Run the compiled program.
  4. The monochromized BMP image will be generated as output.bmp in the assets directory.


  • C++ compiler.
  • Windows operating system (due to the use of Windows.h).

Additional Information

  • Course: Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU), Computer Architecture.
  • Teachers: Molodyakov S.A., Petrov A.B.