
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Custom JavaScript event system


You set up handlers for arbitrary triggers and then can trigger them. Both handlers and trigger activations can have any number of arguments. Handler arguments are passed to callback before trigger arguments.

Set up handlers

Any valid Map key can be a trigger. There are several ways to set up a handler.

There are two types of handlers:

  • Normal - executes with given arguments and might return a value. Called with handler(...handlerArguments, ...triggerArguments)
  • Modifier - executed with input value in addition to arguments and returns modified value. Called with handler(input, ...handlerArguments, ...triggerArguments)

Svelte way

Svelte-specific Trigger functions set up a trigger that will only exist during component's life cycle, from onMount to onDestroy.

Normal handlers are set up with Trigger.handles(trigger, handler, ...args) or Trigger.on(trigger, handler, ...args)

Modifying handlers are set up with Trigger.modifies(trigger, handler, ...args)

These should be placed in top level of component, NOT within onMount. Both methods return a handler object chat can be cancelled or have its priority changed with .setPriority(X) where handlers with lower X would be executed earlier.

Vanilla way

Unlike svelte-specific triggers, these can be set up anywhere, but need to be canceled manually.

Normal handlers are set up with Trigger.createHandler(trigger, handler, ...args)

Modifying handlers are set up with Trigger.createModifier(trigger, handler, ...args)

You can cancel either with .cancel() method of returned value.

Triggering events

Plain execution

Use Trigger(trigger, ...args) to execute normal handlers set up for given trigger. This is similar to array.forEach

Polling results

Use Trigger.poll(trigger, ...args) to execute normal handlers set up for given trigger and collect execution results. This is similar to array.map

Value modifications

Use Trigger.modify(input, trigger, ...args) to execute modifier handlers set up for the trigger in a chain. This is similar to array.reduce.


Trigger.createTrigger() returns function that executes triggers with itself as a key. Trigger.createPoll() and Trigger.createModification() create similar functions for polling and modification.

Trigger.clearTrigger(trigger) removes all handlers associated with event and removes entry for it from storage.

Quick example


//top level
Trigger.on("tick", (value) => console.log("Tick", value))

Anywhere else:

setInterval(() => Trigger("tick", Math.random()), 1000)

Will output "Tick" with a random number to console while component is alive (trigger is created onMount and removed onDestroy)

Quick reference (based on JSDoc)



handler for an event, associated with a trigger


Trigger : function

Event handling system

Can be used as shorthand for Trigger.execute(trigger, ...args) executes all non-transformative handlers associated with trigger (like array.forEach)


execute(trigger, ...args)

executes all non-transformative handlers associated with trigger (like array.forEach)

poll(trigger, ...args)any

collects return values of all non-transformative handlers associated with trigger (like array.map)

modify(input, trigger, ...args)any

applies all transformative handlers associated with trigger in a chain (like array.reduce)

handles(trigger, callback, ...args)Promise.<TriggerHandler>

creates non-transformative handler that exists for component's lifetime

modifies(trigger, callback, ...args)Promise.<TriggerHandler>

creates transformative handler that exists for component's lifetime

createHandler(trigger, callback, ...args)TriggerHandler

creates non-transformative handler

createModifier(trigger, callback, ...args)TriggerHandler

creates transformative handler


creates function that triggers using itself as a key


creates function that triggers using itself as a key


creates function that triggers using itself as a key


cancels all handlers for a trigger and removes it from lists

on(trigger, callback, ...args)Promise.<TriggerHandler>

creates non-transformative handler that exists for component's lifetime

shorthand to Trigger.handles()

once(trigger, callback, ...args)Promise.<TriggerHandler>

creates non-transformative handler that exists for component's lifetime or until first execution

shorthand to Trigger.handles().setOnce()


TriggerFunction : function


handler for an event, associated with a trigger

Kind: global class

triggerHandler.cancel() ⇒ TriggerHandler

cancels a handler so it never executes anymore and queues it for removal

Kind: instance method of TriggerHandler
Returns: TriggerHandler - itself

triggerHandler.setPriority(value) ⇒ TriggerHandler

sets priority (higher = executed later)

Kind: instance method of TriggerHandler
Returns: TriggerHandler - itself

Param Type Default Description
value number 0 new value (default is 0)

triggerHandler.setOnce(value) ⇒ TriggerHandler

sets flag for cancellation after next execution

Kind: instance method of TriggerHandler
Returns: TriggerHandler - itself

Param Type Default Description
value boolean true new value

Trigger : function

Event handling system

Can be used as shorthand for Trigger.execute(trigger, ...args) executes all non-transformative handlers associated with trigger (like array.forEach)

Kind: global object

Param Type Description
trigger any trigger key
...args any arguments provided to each handler after its own arguments

Trigger.execute(trigger, ...args)

executes all non-transformative handlers associated with trigger (like array.forEach)

Kind: static method of Trigger

Param Type Description
trigger any trigger key
...args any arguments provided to each handler after its own arguments

Trigger.poll(trigger, ...args) ⇒ any

collects return values of all non-transformative handlers associated with trigger (like array.map)

Kind: static method of Trigger
Returns: any - - array of values returned by handlers

Param Type Description
trigger any trigger key
...args any arguments provided to each handler after its own arguments

Trigger.modify(input, trigger, ...args) ⇒ any

applies all transformative handlers associated with trigger in a chain (like array.reduce)

Kind: static method of Trigger
Returns: any - - value returned by last handler

Param Type Description
input any initial value
trigger any trigger key
...args any arguments provided to each handler after its own arguments

Trigger.handles(trigger, callback, ...args) ⇒ Promise.<TriggerHandler>

creates non-transformative handler that exists for component's lifetime

Kind: static method of Trigger
Returns: Promise.<TriggerHandler> - Promise that would resolve to handler and can forward .setPriority, .setOnce and .cancel to it

Param Type Description
trigger any trigger key
callback HandlerCallback function
...args any arguments passed to handler before trigger arguments

Trigger.modifies(trigger, callback, ...args) ⇒ Promise.<TriggerHandler>

creates transformative handler that exists for component's lifetime

Kind: static method of Trigger
Returns: Promise.<TriggerHandler> - Promise that would resolve to handler and can forward .setPriority, .setOnce and .cancel to it

Param Type Description
trigger any trigger key
callback TransformativeCallback function that transforms input
...args any arguments passed to handler before trigger arguments

Trigger.createHandler(trigger, callback, ...args) ⇒ TriggerHandler

creates non-transformative handler

Kind: static method of Trigger
Returns: TriggerHandler - handler

Param Type Description
trigger any trigger key
callback HandlerCallback function
...args any arguments passed to handler before trigger arguments

Trigger.createModifier(trigger, callback, ...args) ⇒ TriggerHandler

creates transformative handler

Kind: static method of Trigger
Returns: TriggerHandler - handler

Param Type Description
trigger any trigger key
callback TransformativeCallback function that transforms input
...args any arguments passed to handler before trigger arguments

Trigger.createTrigger() ⇒ TriggerFunction

creates function that triggers using itself as a key

Kind: static method of Trigger

Trigger.createPoll() ⇒ PollFunction

creates function that triggers using itself as a key

Kind: static method of Trigger

Trigger.createModification() ⇒ ModifierFunction

creates function that triggers using itself as a key

Kind: static method of Trigger


cancels all handlers for a trigger and removes it from lists

Kind: static method of Trigger

Param Type Description
trigger any trigger key

Trigger.on(trigger, callback, ...args) ⇒ Promise.<TriggerHandler>

creates non-transformative handler that exists for component's lifetime

shorthand to Trigger.handles()

Kind: static method of Trigger
Returns: Promise.<TriggerHandler> - Promise that would resolve to handler and can forward .setPriority, .setOnce and .cancel to it

Param Type Description
trigger any trigger key
callback HandlerCallback function
...args any arguments passed to handler before trigger arguments

Trigger.once(trigger, callback, ...args) ⇒ Promise.<TriggerHandler>

creates non-transformative handler that exists for component's lifetime or until first execution

shorthand to Trigger.handles().setOnce()

Kind: static method of Trigger
Returns: Promise.<TriggerHandler> - Promise that would resolve to handler and can forward .setPriority, .setOnce and .cancel to it

Param Type Description
trigger any trigger key
callback HandlerCallback function
...args any arguments passed to handler before trigger arguments

HandlerCallback ⇒ any

Kind: global typedef
Returns: any - - return value for .poll (optional)

Param Type Description
...args any own arguments, passed before trigger's arguments

TransformativeCallback ⇒ any

Kind: global typedef
Returns: any - - modified value

Param Type Description
input any initial value of return value of previous TransformativeHandler
...args any own arguments, passed before trigger's arguments

TriggerFunction : function

Kind: global typedef

Param Type Description
...args any arguments, passed to handler after own arguments

PollFunction ⇒ any

Kind: global typedef
Returns: any - - return values of handlers

Param Type Description
...args any arguments, passed to handler after own arguments

ModifierFunction ⇒ any

Kind: global typedef
Returns: any - - initial value or return value of last handler

Param Type Description
input any initial value
...args any arguments, passed to handler after own arguments