Library for nice and scalable organizing of business logic in redux applications.
Use Dispatch for Free. No more store.dispatch hell. Just nicely readable and configurable in one place class-definitively styled description of the business logic of your application. Good solution for large enterprise react-redux projects.
yarn add @seijs/redux-hang-on
To use it, implement Slice and it's Bites as follows.
import { User } from 'src/_api/types/entities';
import { loadUserDone } from './loadUserDone';
import { loadUserWait } from './loadUserWait';
import { IState, ITriggers } from 'src/_redux/types'
export interface IUserSate {
user: User | null;
loading: boolean;
export interface IUserTriggers {
resetUserState: IUserSate
loadUser: TriggerPhaseWrapper<{
wait: never;
done: User;
fail: string;
export const userInitialState: IUserSate = {
user: null,
loading: false,
const loadUserBite = Bite<IUserTriggers, ITriggers, IUserState, IState, 'loadUser'>(
wait: loadUserWait,
done: loadUserDone,
fail: null,
updateOn: [{ loadUser: 'done' }],
canTrigger: [],
instance: 'stable',
script: LoadUser,
triggerStatus: 'wait',
const resetUserStateBite = Bite<IUserTriggers, ITriggers, IUserState, IState, 'resetUserState'>(
export const userSlice = Slice<IUserTriggers, ITriggers, IUserState, IState>(
loadUser: loadUserBite,
resetUserState: resetUserStateBite,
where first argument of Bite function is reducer (or object of {pahaseName: phaseReduer}), loadUserWait and loadUserDone behaves like they are mutating state.
import { UserReducerType } from '.';
import { MakeBiteReducerType } from '@seijs/redux-hang-on/lib/types'
export const loadUserDone: MakeBiteReducerType<IUserTriggers, IUserState, 'loadUser'>['done'] = (
) => {
state.user = payload;
state.loading = false;
export const loadUserWait: MakeBiteReducerType<IUserTriggers, IUserState, 'loadUser'>['wait'] = (
) => {
state.loading = true;
Second argument is processor configuration object (PCO), which feeds one of the key features of redux-hang-on library. What is processor? This is where all the business happens.
loadUser: { triggerStatus: wait ... }
means that process inits when action with the type loadUser/wait is dispatched.
script: LoadUser
is a processor class itselves.
instance : ...
configures mode of creating of LoadUser class instance. There are three types of modes: stable, refreshing and multiple. stable means instance is created once when triggering action is dispatched and lives in the context until it will be manually dropped. On refreshing mode, instance is getting dropped and recreated every time. On multiple, the new instance of corresponding script class is created (with different uid).
Script class has required method init(...) which accepts triggered action payload and is called when this action is dispatched. It also has the non-required method update(...), which is called every time when actions with types specified in
updateOn: [....] are dispatched.
In array you can specify types of actions like ['actionOne', 'actionTwo'] or even specify more precisely [{actionOne: 'init' }]
Let's see our example of LoadUser script.
import { ScriptUpdateArgsType,
ScriptOptsType } from '@seijs/redux-hang-on/lib/types';
import { IState } from 'src/_redux/types';
import { IUserTriggers } from '../__reducers';
export class LoadUser {
constructor(private opts: ScriptOptsType<IUserTriggers, ITriggers, IState,'loadUser'>) {}
public async init(args: ScriptInitArgsType<IUserTriggers, 'loadUser', 'wait'>) {
** Here you can call side effects,
** dispatch actions
** via this.opts.trigger('actionName', 'actionStatus',{...payload})
** safely trigger action which does not affect updateOn watchers
** via this.opts.triggerOnly('actionName', 'actionStatus',{...payload})
** get curent state via
** this.opts.getCurrentState()
setTimeout(() => {
this.opts.trigger('loadUser', 'fail', this.opts.uid);
}, 5000);
public async update(args: ScriptUpdateArgsType<IUserTriggers, 'loadUser', 'done'>) {
** Here you can do all the same staff and
** call args.hangOn() to prevent reducer call. WOW!
** this is not all - you can call it like args.hangOn({keepUpdate: true})
** to update state but without reducer call ( and subcequent rendering in
** react components).
Inside the script all the actions that could be triggered are specified in
canTrigger : [...]
Now plug it into redux store
import { createStore, applyMiddleware, compose, Middleware } from 'redux';
import { userSlice, IUserState } from 'src/user/slice.config.t';
export type IState = {
user: IUserState;
export type ITriggers = IUserTriggers
const rootReducer = combineReducers({
function configureStore() {
const middlewares: Middleware[] = [userSlice.middleware];
const store = createStore(
return store;
const store = configureStore();
export default store;
Implement communications between slices
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.