A very simple cURL wrapper for PHP.

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This is a very simple cURL wrapper for PHP.



$http = new HTTP( [array $options] );

Parameter Type Description
userAgent string User agent string.
timeout int Value in seconds the HTTP will time out.
referer string A HTTP referral.
headers array Any custom headers.
username string Username for basic HTTP authentication.
password string Password for basic HTTP authentication.
// Include core HTTP library
require_once 'class.HTTP.php';

// Initialize HTTP object
$http = new HTTP([
  	// User agent for Google Chrome
	'userAgent'	=> 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/61.0.3163.100 Safari/537.36',
  	// Request timed out in 60 seconds
  	'timeout'	=> 60,
  	// Simulate we clicked from https://www.google.com
  	'referer'	=> 'https://www.google.com',

Get Logs

Gets logs for debugging purpose.

array $http->getLogs( );

$logs = $http->getLogs();

echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';

GET Request

Sends a HTTP GET request.

array $http->get( string $url );

// Visit to https://www.reddit.com
$response = $http->get('https://www.reddit.com');

if ($response) {
  	echo $response['header'];
    echo $response['body'];

POST Request

Sends a HTTP POST request.

array $http->post( string $url, [array $fields] );

// Simulate a form post for login at Reddit website
$response = $http->post('https://www.reddit.com/api/login/', [
	'op'		=> 'login-main',
	'user'		=> 'test',
	'passwd'	=> 'Gmxn3$dcSD',
  	'api_type'	=> 'json',

if ($response) {
  	echo $response['header'];
    echo $response['body'];


Downloads a file

array $http->download( string $url, string $path );

$response = $http->download('https://github.com/seikan/HTTP/archive/master.zip', '/var/www/');

if ($response) {
    echo 'File "'.$response['file'].'" with size '.$response['size'].' bytes has been downloads.';


Uploads a file.

array $http->upload( string $url, [array $fields], array $files );

$response = $http->upload('https://www.example.com/upload', [], [
	'attachment'	=> '/var/www/example.zip',

Using Proxy Server

Uses HTTP proxy server.

$http->useProxy( string $host, string $port, string $username, string $password );

$http->useProxy('', 3128, 'proxy_user', 'proxy_password');

$response = $http->get('https://www.whatismyip.com/');