
A collection of useful page functions for PHP web application.

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This is a collection of useful page functions for PHP web application.


Getting Started

$page = new Page( );

// Include core Page library
require_once 'class.Page.php';

// Initialize Page object
$page = new Page();

Client IP Address

Gets client IP address.

string $page->getClientIp( );

// Display visitor IP address
echo 'You are connected from'.$page->getClientIp().'.';

Current URL

Gets current page URL.

string $page->getCurrentUrl( );

// Display current page URL
echo $page->getCurrentUrl();

User Agent

Gets browser user agent.

string $page->getUserAgent( );

// Display user agent
echo 'User Agent: ' . $page->getUserAgent();

Page Referer

Gets page referrer.

string $page->getReferer( );

// Display page referer
echo $page->getReferer();


Checks if current page is HTTPS.

bool $page->isHttps( );

// Redirect to HTTPS if current page is not HTTPS
if (false == $page->isHttps()) {
	header('Location: https://www.example.com');

Rewrite URL

Rewrites URL with new query string.

string $page->rewrite( string $url[, array $queries] );

$url = 'http://www.example.com/home.php?page=2&action=show&sort=date';

// Rewrite URL with new query string
echo $page->rewrite($url, [
	'page'		=> 3,
	'sort'		=> 'name',




Check whether the page request is a POST request.

bool $page->isPost();

if ($page->isPost()) {
	echo 'A form is posted.';


Gets a value in HTTP GET or POST request.

string $page->request( string $key[, int $method = Page::BOTH] );


Page::BOTH Returns values in GET or POST that matches the key provided.

Page::GET Returns values in GET that matches the key.

Page::POST Returns values in POST that matches the key.

// URL - http://www.example.com/home.php?page=1&sort=name&text=<strong>Example</strong>

echo 'Sort: '.$page->request('sort').'<br />';
echo 'Text (HTML): '.$page->request('text').'<br />';


Sort: name Text (HTML): Example

Get Server Variables

Gets a single or an array of server variable.

string $page->getVariable( string|array $key );

// Get browser language
echo "Browser Language: " . $page->getVariable('HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE');

// Get multiple server variables
$values = $page->getVariables(['SERVER_PROTOCOL', 'REQUEST_METHOD', 'QUERY_STRING']);

echo "Protocol : " . $values['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . "\n";
echo "Method   : " . $values['REQUEST_METHOD'] . "\n";
echo "Query    : " . $values['QUERY_STRING'] . "\n";

Set Cookie

Sets a cookie.

$page->setCookie( string $name, string $value[, int $day[, string $path = '/'[, string $domain = ''[, bool $secure = false[, bool $httpOnly = false]]]]]]);

// Set cookie
$page->setCookie('username', 'foo', 1);

Get Cookie

Gets a cookie by name.

$page->getCookie( string $name);

// Get cookie
echo $page->getCookie('username');



Delete Cookie

Deletes a cookie by name.

$page->deleteCookie( string $name);

// Delete cookie