Project EMR - Electronic Medical Record

🗃️  Table of Contents

🏥  About the project

It is a system used to manage the attendance of a clinic. It has functionalities to manage patients with their respective medical records, which in turn store their medical consultation.

📈 Class Diagram


🔀  Application flowchart

The system flow is based on the concept:

  • Patient ➡️ Medical Record ➡️ medical consultation
👈🏽   Click here to expand the flowchart


▶️  Application in operation


Functionality view, click on play in the table to view the pages individually

Functionality View Here
🏥  Initial
🩺  Appointment CRUD
😷  Patient CRUD
👨🏻‍💻  User CRUD
👩‍🔬  Doctor CRUD
📊  Reports

The back-end version of the project developed in JAVA can be found HERE.

👨🏽‍🏫  Instructions for execute the Project

  1. Make a project copy to your machine:

📚  Technologies and Concepts

In this project we use HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap and apply the following concepts:

  1. Git
    • Repository
    • Documentation
    • Setting up environment
    • Connecting pages
    • Media,
    • Semantics selectors
    • Grid layout
    • Bootstrap
    • Navigation
    • Forms

👨🏻‍🎓  Author