
API Dodumentation

APIs in Progress

  • add event
  • get event

Views in Progress

  • /#/ (Missing: touch ups, advanced search - Form is not working - First Draft)
  • /#/signup (First Draft)
  • /#/signup/parent (Missing: touch ups - Form is working)
  • /#/signup/provider (Missing: touch ups - Form is working)
  • /#/event/add (Missing: touch ups - Form is not working)
  • /#/event?id={eventId}
  • /#/search?{list of search parameters}

Future Views and APIs

  • /#/profile?id={userId}
  • Free Text Search API
  • Search List Results API

Unit Tests

  • login: Tests if dummy user has logged in successfully
  • getUser: Tests if dummy authenticated user is retrieved successfully

Package Information

  • authentication

    • Creates new session, returns current session and clears all sessions. Stores all sessions in an concurrent hash map.
  • controller

    • API init and implementation
  • dao

    • Data access object. Sql queries that access the database are written here.
  • dto

    • Data transfer object. Intermediate layer between entity and json response. Define this object to send only the data you really need to and skip or hide unnecessary information.
  • entity

    • Class representation of database tables.
  • error

    • Custom error messages declaration.
  • exception

    • Custom exception messages declaration.
  • mapper

    • Maps entity into dto.
  • validator

    • Validates request data.

Exception List

  • User:

    • EmailAlreadyInUseException
      • HttpStatus.CONFLICT (409)
    • EmailUnverifiedException
      • HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN (403)
    • ForbiddenException
      • HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN (403)
    • NotAuthenticatedException
      • HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED (401)
    • UserAlreadyExistsException
      • HttpStatus.CONFLICT (409)
    • UserAlreadyVerifiedException
      • HttpStatus.CONFLICT (409)
    • UserNotFoundException
      • HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND (404)
  • General:

    • BadRequestException
      • insert handler info here
    • NotAuthorizedException
      • HttpStatus.CONFLICT (409)
    • ValidationException
      • HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST (400)

Error message List


    • USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST("User does not exist.")
    • INVALID_DATA("Invalid data.")
    • MISSING_DATA("Missing data.")
    • USER_ALREADY_VERIFIED("User is already verified.")
    • UNAUTHORIZED("Unauthorized user.")
    • NOT_AUTHENTICATED("User is not authenticated.")
    • EMAIL_ALREADY_IN_USE("Email is already in use.")
    • NEW_PASSWORD_DO_NOT_DIFFER("New password must differ with the old password.")
    • PASSWORD_MISSMATCH("Password is invalid.")

    • MISSING_DATA("Email or password is missing.")
    • INVALID_DATA("Invalid data.")
    • INVALID_CREDENTIALS("Username and password do not match.")
    • USER_NOT_EMAIL_VERIFIED("User has not been verified yet.")

    • MISSING_DATA("Required attributes are missing.")
    • INVALID_DATA("Invalid data.")
    • EMAIL_ALREADY_USED("Email is already in use.")