
Kotlin Multiplatform Framework Emoji Support Library

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

MIT License Maven Central


🛟 Kotlin Multiplatform Framework Emoji Support Library 🛟

kemoji is a library to add Emoji support to your Kotlin Application. This library contains character information about native emojis.

Inspired by vdurmont/emoji-java. The emoji data is based on the database files, unicode-emoji-test.txt and emoji.json from github/gemoji. However, emoji.json doesn't contain some necessary emojis, so kemoji adds the below original emojis.

  • handshake "🫱‍🫲"
  • women holding hands "👩‍🤝‍👩"
  • woman and man holding hands "👩‍🤝‍👨"
  • men holding hands "👨‍🤝‍👨"
  • kiss: person, person "🧑‍❤️‍💋‍🧑"
  • couple with heart: person, person "🧑‍❤️‍🧑"

kemoji supports until Emoji 14.0 characters. Because gemoji has never supported Emoji 15.* yet.




implementation("io.github.seisuke:kemoji:0.2.0") //for common
implementation("io.github.seisuke:kemoji-jvm:0.2.0") //for JVM
implementation("io.github.seisuke:kemoji-js:0.2.0") //for Kotlin/JS

How to use it?


The EmojiManager provides several static methods to search through the emoji database:

  • getForTag returns all the emojis for a given tag
  • getForAlias returns the emoji for an alias
  • isEmoji checks if a string is an emoji
  • getAllTags returns the available tags
  • getAll returns all the emojis
  • containsEmoji checks if a string contains any emoji
  • isOnlyEmojis checks if a string is only emoji

Emoji model

An Emoji is a Data class, which provides the following properties:

data class Emoji(
    val emoji: String,                  // returns unicode
    val description: String,
    val category: String,
    val aliases: List<String>,          // returns a list of aliases for this emoji
    val tags: List<String>,             // returns a list of tags for this emoji
    val unicodeVersion: UnicodeVersion, // returns unicode version enum. this emoji is supported since this versin.
    val iosVersion: Float,              // returns ios version value. this emoji is supported since this versin.
    val fitzpatrickIndex: List<Int>,    // returns a list of position of fitzpatrick codepoints.
    val vs16Index: List<Int>,           // returns a list of position of vs16 codepoints.

Emoji List

An EmojiList holds all Emoji. It is generated from EmojiGenerator#generateEmojiLists(), and it based on database files, unicode-emoji-test.txt and emoji.json.qjF


To aliases

To replace all the emoji's unicodes found in a string by their aliases, use EmojiParser#parseToAliases(String).

For example:

val text = "An 😀awesome 😃string with a few 😉emojis!"
// => "An :grinning:awesome :smiley:string with a few :wink:emojis!"

Remove emojis

You can easily remove emojis from a string.

For example:

val text = "An 😀awesome 😃string with a few 😉emojis!";
EmojiParser.removeAllEmojis(text) // => "An awesome string with a few emojis!"


Coverage rate is over 95%. EmojiTest#emojisGetByUnicodeTest and EmojiTest#emojisAlias pass tests of 4441 pattern emoji in unicode-emoji-test.txt expects unqualified them.

Available Emojis

See a json file HERE.