
A quick shortcut to adding a bunch of timers and dumping their deltas.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A quick shortcut to adding a bunch of timers and dumping their deltas.


npm i logger-timer


It can get a little tedious to do console.time/timeEnd, so I made this to track when you start / stop a timer. You can store multiple timers at once and dump them all to see the diagnostics. So, if you're making a game and want to profile your entire game loop overall, but simultaneously profile the individual calls, you just add more timers and dump them at the end.


import { LoggerTimer } from 'logger-timer';

const timer = new LoggerTimer();


for(let i = 0; i < 10000000; i++) {}


// display the time taken


You can pass a few options into the LoggerTimer constructor:

  • isActive - whether or not the timer should be active. You can use this for ENV filtering.
  • dumpThreshold - a number that specifies the minimum threshold to dump timers for. This will allow you to ignore faster calls and show slower ones.