
A statically typed scripting language with shell-like features

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

License Coverage Status Actions Status CircleCI build result


A statically typed scripting language with shell-like features.

Currently, under heavy development. Language specification is subject to change without notice.

Build Requirement

  • Linux x86-64
  • cmake 3.8 or later
  • git (for fetching external projects)
  • autotools, libtool (for building re2c)
    • if cmake 3.12 or later, no longer need theme
  • Python 3.7 or later (for building re2c)
  • make/ninja
  • gcc/clang (need gnu++17 support)
  • libpcre2-8 10.30 or later
    • need UTF-8 and unicode property support

Optional Requirement

  • fzf (for history search)
  • bash-completion (for tab-completion)

Tested Compiler

  • gcc (7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14)
  • clang (6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18)

Other Tested platform

  • Linux
    • Arm64
  • macOS
    • x86-64
    • Arm64
  • Windows x64
    • Cygwin
    • MSYS2
    • WSL

How to use

  1. build and install
$ git clone https://github.com/sekiguchi-nagisa/arsh.git
$ cd arsh && mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake ..    # default install dir is /usr/local/bin
$ make -j4
$ sudo make install
  1. run in interactive mode
$ arsh