
Colony Network smart contracts

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

The Colony Network

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Contracts for running the Colony Network as defined in the Colony White Paper


git clone https://github.com/JoinColony/colonyNetwork.git
cd colonyNetwork
git submodule update --init


The contract upgradability is using the EtherRouter pattern, see "Token Upgradability" section in https://medium.com/p/3da67d833087 for implementation details.

The math, erc20, auth, roles and a significant part of the token contract have been reused from the Dappsys library.


To run all tests:

yarn run test:contracts

To run tests with code coverage using solidity-coverage:

yarn run test:contracts:coverage

To lint contracts using Solium

yarn run solium

To lint JS using eslint (this is also a pre-commit hook)

yarn run eslint


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