In this repository, you can find JavaScript-based projects that beginners can use for their first web project.
Please read the following before contributing to the repository:
- 3-d-css
- BMI-calculator
- Count-down
- Currency-Convertor
- Drawing-App
- Event-Webpage
- Food-delivery-system
- Github-Search-Profile-App
- Gradient-Generator-Advanced
- Gradient-generator
- Guess-the-color
- JavaScript-timeline
- Login-Form
- Notex
- Palindrome-checker
- Parallax-webpage
- Quizer
- Stopwatch
- Student-Enrollment-Form
- Survey-form
- Temperature-Convertor
- Tic-tac-toe
- Todo
- Tribute-project
- Weather-Forecast-Webapp
- Windows11-Clone
- analog-clock
- calculator
- clock
- dark-mode-calculator
- digital-clock
- light-dark-mode-toggle
- quote-generator
- todolist
Varun Kumar Tiwari LinkedIn Github |
(If you liked the project, please give it a star 😃)