
ts-loader declarations stop generating on style changes bug

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Expected Behaviour

Continues to emit declaration files

Actual Behaviour

Stops emitting declaration files if ANY modification is made to a .SCSS (sass) file, declaration directory structure is still there without any declarations.

If an edit is then made to a particular module it generates declarations for those files and it's imports but still missing from the the rest of the project.

Edit: This frequently happens when modifying TS files too, although in that case only some go missing (ones which don't have a direct dependency on the edited file).

Steps to Reproduce the Problem

yarn install
yarn start

Note how dist/types is generated

Now make a change to the .scss file and note all declaration files except for the directory structure are removed.

Location of a Minimal Repository that Demonstrates the Issue.


Edit: This appears to be caused when using clean-webpack-plugin in conjunction with ts-loader. So a quick fix is to stop using it.