
CloudFlash is a web framework for cloud based automation of firmware, modules, and services

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript


CloudFlash is a web framework for cloud based automation of openvpn, firmware, modules, and services.

CloudFlash supports JSON data serialization format. The format for both the request and the response should be specified by using the Content-Type header, the Accept header.

List of APIs

GET/servicesList summary of services installed in VCG identified by service ID
POST/servicesCreate a new service in VCG
GET/services/service-idDescribes an installed service in VCG by service ID
DELETE/services/service-idDelete an installed service in VCG by service ID
POST/services/service-id/openvpnModify existing OpenVPN configuration
POST/services/service-id/firewallModify existing Firewall configuration
POST/services/service-id/actionExecute command on the VCG

URI structure

For now there is no API version specified in either URI or JSON data. But, in future we plan to use API version in the URI.

For example

  /services/V1.0/service family/service type


Current implementation of cloudflash in VCG does not require that each request will include the credntials of the user submiting the request. Plan is to have OAuth scheme of authentication.

Services API

List Services

Verb	URI	        Description
GET	/services	Lists summary of services configured in VCG identified by service ID.

Note: The request does not require a message body. Success: Returns JSON data with list of services installed on VCG. Each service is identified by service ID

The service ID is generated is a UUID.

Service Family is the generic service type while name is the actual service name.

pkgurl: The package download link provided to VCG

api: Supported APIs for this service.

Note: Currently no validation of the package contents done

TODO: Caller to provide md5sum of the package along with pkgurl

Example Request and Response


GET /services HTTP/1.1


    "services": [
            "id": "40860f06-7dcf-41ab-a414-98957b092b7b",
            "status": "installed"
            "api": "/vpnrac",
			"description": {
				 "name": "at",
            	 "family": "remote-access",
			     "version": "1.0",
            	 "pkgurl": "http://my-url.com/vpnrac-0.0.1.deb"

Create Service

Verb	URI	        Description
POST	/services	Create a new service in VCG.

The request must have the following parameters in JSON data

  1. service version
  2. service Name
  3. Service Family
  4. Package URL

On success it returns JSON data with the UUID for the service created.

Example Request and Response

Request JSON

	"name": "at",
	"family": "remote-access",
	"version": "1.0",
	"pkgurl": "http://my-url.com/vpnrac-0.0.1.deb"

Response JSON

    "id": "61df014d-90cd-4f6f-8928-0a3aadff4658",
    "description": {
        "version": "1.0",
        "name": "at",
        "family": "remote-access",
        "pkgurl": "",
        "id": "48c8d63e-1a3e-4f99-bf2b-a8c5c57afe8d"
    "api": "/to/be/defined/in/future",
    "status": {
        "installed": true

Describe Service

Verb	URI	                 Description
GET	    /services/service-id	  Show a service in VCG specified by service-ID

Example Request and Response

Request Headers

GET /services/d40d38bd-aab0-4430-ac61-4b8ee91dc668 HTTP/1.1

Response JSON

    "id": "492e025d-2ae7-49e6-b27d-441ba3784ce3",
    "description": {
        "version": "1.0",
        "name": "at",
        "family": "remote-access",
        "pkgurl": "",
        "id": "7aeeb1a6-88ae-401b-95b6-c5d059b77db0"
    "status": {
        "installed": true,
        "initialized": false,
        "enabled": false,
        "running": false,
        "result": "/home/plee/hack.node/cloudflash\n"

Delete a service

Verb	URI	                 Description
DELETE	/services/service-id	  Delete a service in VCG specified by service-ID

On Success returns 200 with JSON data

TODO: Return appropriate error code and description in case of failure.

Example Request and Response

Request Headers

DELETE /services/d40d38bd-aab0-4430-ac61-4b8ee91dc668 HTTP/1.1

Response JSON

{ deleted: true }

Action Command API

This API is used to perform the action like start, stop, restart and sync on the installed services as identified by service-id

Verb	URI	                 Description
POST	/services/service-id/action	  Execute an action command

Example Request and Response

Request Headers

POST /services/a12796b8-c786-4351-ba7d-4b95cd8e0797/action HTTP/1.1

Request JSON

{ command: "stop" }

Response JSON

{ result: true }


Post openVPN Configuration

Verb	URI	        		Description
POST	/services/service-id/openvpn	 Update the openvpn server.conf file in VCG.

On success it returns JSON data with the service-id, service Name, config success.

TODO: Define JSON format for error codes and description.

Example Request and Response

Request Headers

Request JSON

    port: "7000",
    dev: "tun",
    proto: "udp",
    ca: "/etc/ca-bundle.pem"
    dh: "/etc/dh1024.pem"
    cert: "/etc/identity/snap.cert",
    key: "/etc/identity/snap.key",
    server: "",
    'script-security': "3 system",
    multihome: true,
    management: " 2020",
    cipher: "AES-256-CBC",
    'tls-cipher': "AES256-SHA",
    auth: "SHA1",
    topology: "subnet",
    'route-gateway': ""
    'client-config-dir': "/config/openvpn/ccd"
    'ccd-exclusive': true,
    'ccd-to-client': true,
    route: [ "", "" ],
    push:  [ "route", "comp-lzo no" ],
    'max-clients': "254",
    'persist-key': true,
    'persist-tun': true,
    status: "/var/log/server-status.log",
    keepalive: "5 45",
    'comp-lzo': "no",
    sndbuf: "262144"
    rcvbuf: "262144"
    txqueuelen: "500"
    'replay-window': "512 15"
    verb: "3"
    mlock: true

Response JSON

{ result: true }

Upon error, error code 500 will be returned

Add a User to VPN

Verb	URI	        		                 Description
POST	/services/service-id/openvpn/users	 Add user into client-config-directory

On success it returns JSON data with the service-id, service Name, config success.

Example Request and Response

Request Headers

Request JSON

	id: "492e025d-2ae7-49e6-b27d-441ba3784ce3",
	email: "master@oftheuniverse.com",
	push: [
		"dhcp-option DNS x.x.x.x",
		"ip-win32 dynamic",
		"route-delay 5"

Response JSON

{ result: true }

Upon error, error code 500 will be returned

Delete a User from VPN

Verb	URI	                 Description
DELETE	/services/service-id/openvpn/users/user-id	  Delete user from client-config-directory

On Success returns 200 with JSON data

Example Request and Response

Request Headers

DELETE /services/d40d38bd-aab0-4430-ac61-4b8ee91dc668/openvpn/users/a5ce61b6-80ff-4cfa-aa49-9efe83c0c80b HTTP/1.1

Response JSON

{ deleted: true }

Describe OpenVPN

Verb	URI	                 Description
GET	    /services/service-id/openvpn	  Show OpenVPN info in VCG specified by service-ID

Example Request and Response

Request Headers

GET /services/d40d38bd-aab0-4430-ac61-4b8ee91dc668/openvpn HTTP/1.1

Response JSON

    "id": "d40d38bd-aab0-4430-ac61-4b8ee91dc668",
    "users": [
			id: "492e025d-2ae7-49e6-b27d-441ba3784ce3",
			email: "master@oftheuniverse.com",
			push: [
				"dhcp-option DNS x.x.x.x",
				"ip-win32 dynamic",
				"route-delay 5"
	"connections": [
			cname: "e-mail or UUID",
			remote: "",
			ip: "",
			received: 12345,
			sent: 54321,
			since: "Tue Jul 17 12:17:18 2012"

Please note that the top-level id returned above refers to the service-ID.

Upon error, error code 500 will be returned

Firewall API (Currently N/A)

Modify the firewall Config

        Verb	URI	        			Description
         POST	/services/service-id/firewall		 Update the firewall firewall.sh file in VCG.

The request must have the following parameters in JSON data

  1. service Name
  2. service Type
  3. Service id
  4. firewall base64 encrypted value

On success it returns JSON data with the service-id, service Name, command success.

TODO: Define JSON format for error codes and description.

Example Request and Response

Request Headers

Response Headersview source
Connection	keep-alive
Content-Length	95
Content-Type	application/json; charset=utf-8
X-Powered-By	Express
Request Headersview source
Accept	*/*
Accept-Encoding	gzip, deflate
Accept-Language	en-us,en;q=0.5
Cache-Control	no-cache
Connection	keep-alive
Content-Length	1107
Content-Type	application/json; charset=utf-8
Pragma	no-cache
User-Agent	Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:12.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/12.0
X-Requested-With	XMLHttpRequest
Response Headers From Cache
Connection	keep-alive
Content-Length	95
Content-Type	application/json; charset=utf-8
X-Powered-By	Express

Request JSON

        { "services":
                    { "firewall" :
				"command":"IyEvYmluL3NoDQppcHRhYmxlcyAoKSB7IHRlc3QgIiQyIiAhPSAic2hvcmV3YWxsIiAmJiBzYWZlX2NhbGwgaXB0YWJsZXMgJEA7IH0NCg0Kc2FmZV9jYWxsICgpIHsNCgliaW49JCh3aGljaCAkMSkNCglzaGlmdA0KCSRiaW4gJEANCglpZiBbICQ/		ICE9IDAgXTsgdGhlbiANCgkgICAgaXB0YWJsZXMtcmVzdG9yZSA8IC9jb25maWcvaXB0YWJsZXMuc2F2ZQ0KCSAgICBleGl0IDENCglmaQ0KfQ0KIyBxdCAoKSB7ICIkQCIgPi9kZXYvbnVsbCAyPiYxIH0NCg0KaWYgWyAteCAvYmluL2J1c3lib3ggXTsgdGhlbg0KCSMgWFhYIC0gaGFjayAtIGJ1ZyB3aXRoIGlwdGFibGVzLXNhdmUgaW4gcnVudCBpbWFnZQ0KCWNwIC9ldGMvbmV0d29yay9pcHRhYmxlcy5kZWZhdWx0IC9jb25maWcvaXB0YWJsZXMuc2F2ZQ0KZWxzZQ0KCWlwdGFibGVzLXNhdmUgPiAvY29uZmlnL2lwdGFibGVzLnNhdmUNCmZpDQoNClsgLWYgL2NvbmZpZy9pcHRhYmxlcy9mdW5jdGlvbnMgXSAmJiAuIC9jb25maWcvaXB0YWJsZXMvZnVuY3Rpb25zDQoNCmlwdGFibGVzIC1MIHNob3Jld2FsbCAtbg0KaXB0YWJsZXMgLUYgc2hvcmV3YWxsDQppcHRhYmxlcyAtWCBzaG9yZXdhbGwNCmlwdGFibGVzIC10IG5hdCAtRg0KaXB0YWJsZXMgLXQgbmF0IC1YDQppcHRhYmxlcyAtdCBuYXQgLVAgUFJFUk9VVElORyBBQ0NFUFQNCmlwdGFibGVzIC10IG5hdCAtUCBQT1NUUk9VVElORyBBQ0NFUFQNCmlwdGFibGVzIC10IG5hdCAtUCBPVVRQVVQgQUNDRVBUDQppcHRhYmxlcyAtdCBtYW5nbGUgLUYNCmlwdGFibGVzIC10IG1hbmdsZSAtWA0K"

Response JSON
