
Prebuilt images for running seL4 on the Avnet MaaXBoard.


This repository contains prebuilt images for running seL4 on the Avnet MaaXBoard.


This work is © Crown Copyright NCSC, released under a 2-Clause BSD licence.


This folder contains two zipped disk images, either of which can be written to an SD card (16GB or larger):

  • maaxboard-uboot.img.zip - Contains U-Boot, a BOOT partition for storing seL4 applications, and a FILESYSTEM partition.
  • maaxboard-sel4-test.img.zip - Equivalent to the image from maaxboard-uboot.img.zip, plus the seL4Test application for the MaaXBoard preloaded in the BOOT partition.


This folder contains one image, flash.bin, which is a build of U-Boot for the MaaXBoard.