
A Temperature converter application developed using .net core and Angular.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Sample Temperature-Converter Application Hosted in Azure

Sample temperature converter application to convert temperature from Celcius ,Faranheit , Kelvin. Developed using .NET Core 3.1 WebAPI + Angular 9



In order to run the Web API locally Start the Web API by setting it as the start up project in Visual Studio.

Get the URL which it is beeing running and replace the base url of the temperature-converter-service.ts in Angular Application

In order run the Angular Web APP locally clone the repo and proceed with npm install and npm start.

PS : Didnt add Authentication bearer token for the API because it is POC level implementations. Minimum level MVP product is being implemented.

Application hosted URL - https://angular-temperature-converter.web.app/

Angular 9 Web App Hosted - Firebase

.Net Core Web API Hosted - Azure Active Directory

Developed by : Selaka Nanayakkara

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Contributor - Stackoverflow