
A multichain docker image based on this guide: https://www.multichain.com/download-install/

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A multichain docker image based on this guide: https://www.multichain.com/download-install/

the why

This image is a result of different multichain evaluations and is currently not designed to be used in production.

the how

run a multichain instance (creates a chain named chain1):

docker run -d --name multichain selamanse/multichain

get access to the api with multichain-cli docker exec -it multichain multichain-cli -rpcpassword=multichain chain1

run it with exposed rpc port (default 8570):

docker run -p "8570:8570" selamanse/multichain

A basic example on how to use the api remotely with curl:

curl -u multichainrpc:multichain yourdockerhost:8570 -d '{"method":"getinfo","params":[],"id":1,"chain_name":"chain1"}'
