README ====== I couldn't find a php library for the Readmill API that encapsulated all the functionality of the API while still remaining easy to plug in to an application quickly. This library seeks to fill that need About Readmill -------------- Readmill is a curious community of readers, highlighting and sharing the books they love. It's available on What this library does ---------------------- Provides wrappers for php applications to make requests to both public and authenticated-only resources on Readmill. As well it provides functions that encapsulate the main methods needed to retrieve an auth_token for a user from Readmill. What are the basic methods? --------------------------- GetPublic($endpoint[,$params]) Performs a request using your $client_id and $client_secret to a public api resource $endpoint is the api endpoint $params is an associative array of parameters to pass Note: You don't need to add client_id and client_secret to $params GetPrivate($endpoint[,$params]) Peforms a request using your $auth_token to a private api resource $endpoint is the api endpoint $params is an associative array of parameters to pass Note: You don't need to add oauth_token to $params AuthenticationLink($redirect[,noexpire]) Returns a link to the Readmill web authentication page $redirect is your configured redirect_uri $noexpire Sent to Readmill option to no-expire Token Note: the $redirect provided must match the one you inserted when requesting your $client_id on Readmill GetToken($code,$redirect) Returns a valid Readmill auth_token $code is the code GET param supplied by the Readmill web auth to your redirect_uri $redirect is your configured redirect_uri Note: the $redirect provided must match the one you inserted when requesting your $client_id on Readmill What else do I need? -------------------- This library does not deal with the management of your tokens - only the interaction between your code and the Readmill API. If you are using it in an application that needs to use user data via an auth_token, you will need to handle the storage of tokens for usage at later dates. Houston, I have a Problem ------------------------- Feel free to contact me if you have any problem with this library Origin ------ This library is based on php-foursquare API, by Stephen Young (