Pinned issues
- 2
Support for eslint 9
#54 opened by msgoloborodov - 1
Document full option names
#20 opened by RinkAttendant6 - 1
- 10
Rules for directory names
#23 opened by markalfred - 2
Feature request: filenames/match-imported
#24 opened by steve-taylor - 2
- 2
Match parent folder name if index.js in src folder
#28 opened by penx - 1
- 2
- 2
Feature request: Require file to have atleast one named export with the same name as file.
#38 opened by emattias - 3
bug[match-regex]: negative lookahead doesn't work
#39 opened by Hotell - 2
Forbidden name rule
#40 opened by fa93hws - 1
- 1
Fails to detect name when using `export =`
#42 opened by garyking - 1
Custom error message for filenames conventions
#43 opened by lionvs - 1
- 4
match-exported with non-default exports
#47 opened by wh1t3cAt1k - 10
#48 opened by gtsop - 1
Support ESLint 8.x
#52 opened by MichaelDeBoey - 2
How to check for this pattern: componentService --> component.service.js?
#53 opened by snicol-icanbwell - 2
match-exported & index clash
#26 opened by saiichihashimoto - 0
- 1
Disallow file names ending with pattern
#35 opened by adamgajzlerowicz - 1
index file with suffix
#32 opened by MhMadHamster - 7
- 1
#31 opened by ehmicky - 1
Test files (MyCalculator.test.js) are not allowed
#25 opened by Ronsho - 3
Kebab-case file matching
#19 opened by FieryCod - 8
- 6
Allowed only lowercase?
#13 opened by rwu823 - 5
Support for JSX
#10 opened by dentuzhik - 6
Option to ignore certain paths
#11 opened by dentuzhik - 23
Improvement on 'match-regex-and-exported'
#7 opened by call-a3 - 5
- 2
Pass when given code from stdin
#1 opened by keithamus