
Bootstrap new React components

Primary LanguageJavaScript

npm version

Bootstrap a new React component!


I tend to write my React components like this:


The index.js file simply works as a proxy for the component, so that you can import it like this:

import ComponentName from './components/component-name';

If you do the same, then you'll love this script!


You can (and should) install this tool globally:

npm install -g bootstrap-component
yarn global add bootstrap-component

You can also use npx without installing it first - if you'd like to "try before you buy":

npx bootstrap-component

Run this script from your project's root folder like this:

$ comp

You can specify the name of your component like this:

$ comp my-component


This script is interactive, but can also be used in a scriptable way - via command line arguments.


This is the path to your components folder, relative to the current folder. Default is --path=src/components.


One of functionComponent, classComponent or empty Default is empty. You can also use the shorthand function or func for function components, and class for class components.

Have a feature request? Found a bug?

Please create an issue - or if you're up for it, a pull request.